Hope for Afghanistan

Hope for Afghanistan

4  Teamers

My name is Cristina and I am a Spanish citizen who helps people in need from Afghanistan via the NGOs Help Build Tomorrow, Aseel, Zamir Foundation and others. I try to help them avoid starvation and overcome difficulties under a political regime that makes the existence of all women, members of certain ethnicities and people who collaborated with foreign entities or the former government very miserable. Thank you for joining me in this mission.

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Cristina Martínez Jiménez
Cristina Martínez Jiménez
Teaming Manager

10/03/2024 11:43 h

Gracias a las nuevas "teamers" por unirse a la causa. ❤️ Esto es lo que hemos hecho este mes (marzo de 2024): enviar 6 paquetes de comida a través de Aseel App. Esto es solo un pequeño parche ante la reforma estructural que necesita Afganistán, pero ayuda a varias familias a mantener la esperanza.
Thank you, new "teamers", for joining the cause. ❤️ This is what we've done this month (March, 2024): we sent 6 food packages via Aseel App. This is only a tiny stopgag measure and what Afghanistan needs is a structural reform, but it heps keep some spirits up.

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