We are a very small club with currently 10 members. Together with 7 volunteer Animal rights activists who provide food for street animals in the Özdere region and the surrounding area on a daily basis. We also try to help Suzan with the care of the street animals. In addition, we catch street animals almost every day to bring them to castration. In addition to food and neutering, we also provide medical care. There are currently 30 cats and 5 dogs living in our foster homes.
Alle hier gesammelten Spenden, werden für Futter , Behandlungs- oder Kastrationskosten genutzt. Wir betreuen aktuell ca. 50 Strassenhunde in Ürkmez und Payamli, sowie mehrere 100 Strassenkatzen. Wir haben monatlich Kastrationskosten zwischen 400 und 1500€, je nachdem wieviele Tiere wir kastrieren lassen haben.
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Proteção animal