Since 1995, DOWN LLEIDA has worked to improve the quality of life of people with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities, promoting their social inclusion and equal opportunities. We facilitate social integration and fight for an inclusive society that respects diversity. With just €1 a month, you can support our mission and make a difference in the lives of many people. Thank you for your support!
“Integra XXI” is a project for the socio-labor insertion of people with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities in ordinary companies, provided by the Socio-labor Insertion Department of Down Lleida. In an environment where there has traditionally been a commitment to protected work, we are committed to ordinary work in a group that mostly has more than a 65% degree of disability. With your help we can help provide job placements in ordinary companies and promote the inclusion and defense of the rights of people with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities.
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Asociación Lleidatana para el síndrome de Down
Tipo di gruppo
Persone con disabilità