Dominique JURAY

Dominique JURAY


Teamer in 13 Groups

Contributes every month: €12 to 12 Groups

Since 07-01-2020 has contributed €355

Groups supported


€7,452 Raised

107 Teamers

Teamer since:  07/01/2020

Aide aux chats sans logis

Aider Josiane à nourrir soigner accompagner les chats victimes de l'irresponsabilité, de la cruauté humaine. Elle leur consacre seule sa vie entière 24 heures sur 24, et. 365 jours par an... soutenons la. Merci de m'accompagner dans cette démarche.

€3,332 Raised

21 Teamers

Teamer since:  12/02/2020

Le combat de Tom contre la maladie de pompe

Seul on va plus vite, mais à plusieurs on va plus loin. Notre objectif est de donner une vie la plus normale qui soit à notre petit Tom qui est condamné par une maladie rare et incurable : La maladie de pompe. Tom est soins palliatifs à la maison. Il nous est impossible de rajouter des jours à la vie de Tom, mais nous pouvons ajouter de la vie à ses jours. Pour cela nous avons besoin de vous. Aidez-nous à adoucir le quotidien de Tom ✿

€3,894 Raised

129 Teamers

Teamer since:  07/03/2021

Friends of SOS KIEV ANIMAL SHELTER, Help Tamara & 1300 animals, Ukraine

For 24 years, this animal shelter has only functioned with international aid. Without regular donors, Tamara's shelter is constantly on the verge of bankruptcy: we must help her! In addition to the stress linked to the lack of regular funds in a country at war (7 years), Tamara, her 4 employees and her animals are regularly victims of violence from a local organisation of "dog hunters". First animal shelter in Ukraine, it homes more than 1,000 dogs and 300 cats.

€927 Raised

29 Teamers

Teamer since:  05/06/2021

La tribu de Sanka

The Sanka tribe association helps animals in France and abroad. Fanny the president, manages rescues and adoptions in France as for charlene, manages support from abroad. Some support can have a big impact on our cash flow, and because we only work with a donation system, it can be very complicated or even impossible to support. In these cases we are obliged to refuse the rescue. Only with everyone's help can we do this.

€6,499 Raised

112 Teamers

Teamer since:  31/07/2021

Association Cheval Espoir 38

The Association Cheval Espoir 38 has been fighting since 2009 to hear the silent neighing of thousands of equids driven to the slaughterhouse, mistreated, or abandoned in terrible conditions. The refuge has 30 hectares of meadows where animals can recover, but without your help the association can not survive. The 13 residents of the shelter need you for daily care, fresh veto, food. 1 € / month is nothing but multiplied by 20, 50 or 200 it's huge.

€503,152 Raised

14,354 Teamers

Teamer since:  05/01/2022

Teamers 4 Teaming

We help more than thousands of social causes to make their projects possible every day. Since we launched Teaming, we have raised more than 50 Million of Euros for them, totally free of commissions. We have created this Teaming Group to help Teaming Foundation to keep helping others with this platform. Among other supports, thanks to the Teamers of this Group, Teaming is totally free. Our dream: to be self-sustaining because of this Group. Would you like to join us?

€8,740 Raised

93 Teamers

Teamer since:  11/08/2022

4 pattes et 1 museau

Patrick Boulet de l'Association4 pattes et 1 museau est un grand monsieur, un immense respect pour cet homme qui fait passer tous ses animaux avant lui même. Il mérite notre soutien à tous. Pas d'eau, pas d'électricité, il fait des kilomètres par jour pour remplir des jerricans d'eau pour ses chiens et ses chats. Il se démène pour les soigner, les nourrir. Mobilisons nous et aidons le, merci pour lui ....

€7,122 Raised

409 Teamers

Teamer since:  10/04/2023

Refuge d'Hajar Aourz Maroc pour les chiens et chats errants de Salé

In Salé, Morocco, Hajar Aourz has created a shelter in her home and on rented land. Today, this shelter welcomes 120 cats and 150 dogs. His determination: the extreme suffering of stray animals and the cruelty to which they are subjected day after day. This shelter cannot continue to exist without your help. Hajar does not receive any state subsidy and operates only thanks to donations which are scarce. Don't let them down! Carole, volunteer

€23,456 Raised

310 Teamers

Teamer since:  31/08/2023

Gamelles sans Frontière

Aider à nourrir et soigner les animaux les plus démunis. Recueillir, placer en famille d’accueil puis proposer à l’adoption les animaux vagabonds ou confiés par des tiers. Faire des campagnes de stérilisation des chats de rue

€821 Raised

62 Teamers

Teamer since:  18/09/2023

Virginie DHIAB - HELP the Shelter Un Coeur sur Pattes Mahdia

Welcome to 'A Heart on Paws', the sanctuary where over 150 four-legged souls find refuge and love in Tunisia. Every day, we strive to transform their fate with your donations. One euro may seem little, but for these innocents, it's a step towards a better life. For less than a coffee a month, you can be their hero. Imagine a tail wagging with joy, eyes lighting up, all thanks to you. Join us, every heartbeat counts. Thank you.

€221 Raised

19 Teamers

Teamer since:  28/02/2024

Les oubliés de Calatafini Segesta

Help Cornelia to save dogs from sicily s streets PLEASE !

€2,957 Raised

83 Teamers

Teamer since:  03/04/2024

Rescapés de l'enfer

Association de protection animale, qui a pour but de venir en aide aux chiens et chats abandonnés, maltraités, notre action s'élargit plus particulièrement sur les chiens de la Réunion

€17,600 Raised

292 Teamers

Teamer since:  02/09/2024

Copa Guadeloupe et Dépendances

Copa Guadeloupe et Dépendances est une association qui lutte contre la maltraitance animale. La prolifération des chiens errants en Guadeloupe est la conséquence de l'abandon de chiots et de chiens adultes par des particuliers. La situation n'est pas meilleure pour les chats. L'association essaye de stériliser un maximum de chiennes qui ont un propriétaire et de chattes.