Suntem o echipă mică cu vise mari, facem reabilitare comportamentală canină și credem cu tărie că nici cei mai speriați câini nu sunt irecuperabili. Credem în adopții responsabile, și toată energia, toată munca și tot sufletul nostru sunt îndreptate către câinii aceia care sunt așa de îngroziți de om, că nici nu se ridică de jos.
We want to create a canine behavior rehabilitation center where these dogs could learn again how to behave and then find families for them. Plus, on the long term, it is much more wisely to invest in rehabilitating the dogs, informing people about canine behavior rehabilitation and working on creating a sustainable solution for both the dogs and the community. As previous solutions failed, we strongly believe that a different approach needs to be taken to handle the stray dogs’ situation.
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We are a small team which dreams big, we do canine behavior rehabilitation and we strongly believe that fearful dogs are not broken. We believe in responsible adoptions, and all of our energy, all of our work and all of our soul are redirected towards those dogs who are so terrified by humans that will not get up from the floor in their presence.
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Défense des animaux
Teaming Manager
31/07/2019 10:24 h
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