Dogma's Pack

Dogma's Pack

57  Teamers
4.305 € raccolto

Dogma is a real dog mom! She takes care of 19 rescued dogs from different country's all by herself. Stray and shelter dogs who didn't have a chance to happiness. She gives them a live, love and medical care what's hard to do on her one! She also needs a bigger place so she can safe more dogs in need and work with volunteers. Our goal is to raise money to accomplish her dream! Those dogs count on her, I hope we can count on you! If you like our project, please join our group.Thank you!

Progetto che sosteniamo

De Dogma Pack

( DogMa )

the cause is: to help DogMa, the Dogmother from Holland...she is alone, no NGO ...privatly taking care of a Pack of handicapped and senior international rescuedogs , in her sanctuary... without a lot of help so we saved up to help her ahead for a while , so now she can renovate a little for the dogs and from now on mothly donations for food etc. i will include her website where her banknumber has been placed will be a huge surprise for her.

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Ultimo commento

Krista Pluymers
Krista Pluymers

19/11/2017 21:49 h

super van jullie allemaal om erbij te komen, samen bereiken we veel meer voor Dogma en haar pack

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Cifra raccolta

Totale raccolto:
4.305 €
Fino ad ora abbiamo donato:
3.973 €
Cifra raccolta per il progetto
332 €
Elenco dei contributi


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