Diana Littlefield

Alicante, Spain

Teaming Manager in 1 Groups

Teamer in 3 Groups

Groups led


€206 Raised

1 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   15/09/2018

The Little Big Project

The Little Big Project aims to support different causes (from animal and environmental protection to humanitarian aid) from one group. The causes are proposed by the members of the group, reviewed by the Teaming manager and selected after a vote. After reaching a "fundraising target", the funds are transferred to the cause selected. After that, a new round of voting is open to select a new cause. Do you have any questions? Send us an e-mail to tlbpfoundation(at)gmail(dot)com

Groups supported


€25,579 Raised

301 Teamers

Teamer since:  14/09/2014

Amigos de los Animales de Granada

Since 1994, our shelter has served as a temporary home for abandoned dogs and cats, providing them with everything in our power so that they have the best life possible until we find them a home. Your donation will serve to contribute to our work: veterinary bills, medication, feed, beds, toys... in short, take care of our animals until they find adoption. Join our team by becoming a TEAMER and help us continue to make a place a home!

€24,627 Raised

273 Teamers

Teamer since:  14/09/2014

Protectora de Animales Baix Vinalopó

We are the ones who rescue them, who help them recover from their past, who give them the love they never received. This volunteer group is the only family of many animals, at least until they find someone who falls in love with them and gives them a definitive home. Only the monthly cost of renting and feeding all our animals already represents an expense of around € 800. We need your grain of sand to continue helping.

€160,231 Raised

1,911 Teamers

Teamer since:  17/03/2017

Santuario Compasión Animal

Santuario Compasión Animal es un centro de rescate para animales de granja. Ofrecemos hogar a animales que han sufrido explotación, maltrato y abandono. Les proporcionamos una vida digna, alimentación, cuidados veterinarios y todo lo que necesitan para vivir en paz. Queremos un futuro en el que los animales sean tratados con compasión y respeto, un futuro en el que no haya crueldad hacia ellos.
 Nuestra labor y nuestro propósito es salvar animales.