Teamer da: 07/12/2022
Suzi Handicap Animal est une association de sauvetages & de soins pour animaux handicapés du plus petit au plus grand quelque soit l'handicap. Notre but est de les aider et de leur offrir une vie digne grâce à des soins, chirurgies & appareillages (chariots , prothèses....). Les aider, c'est leur apporter des soins, à manger, des équipements, vos dons nous permettent de vivre.
Teamer da: 23/02/2023
Teamer da: 22/03/2023
In Salé, Morocco, Hajar Aourz has created a shelter in her home and on rented land. Today, this shelter welcomes 120 cats and 150 dogs. His determination: the extreme suffering of stray animals and the cruelty to which they are subjected day after day. This shelter cannot continue to exist without your help. Hajar does not receive any state subsidy and operates only thanks to donations which are scarce. Don't let them down! Carole, volunteer
Teamer da: 06/04/2023
For 24 years, this animal shelter has only functioned with international aid. Without regular donors, Tamara's shelter is constantly on the verge of bankruptcy: we must help her! In addition to the stress linked to the lack of regular funds in a country at war (7 years), Tamara, her 4 employees and her animals are regularly victims of violence from a local organisation of "dog hunters". First animal shelter in Ukraine, it homes more than 1,000 dogs and 300 cats.
Teamer da: 02/08/2023
Created in 2017 and recognized as being of general interest, SOLIDARITE ANIMAUX EN DETRESSE 06 (from Mandelieu) provides emergency food aid to more than 900 animals in distress (islands of free cats, homeless animals or in precarious homes) thanks to its numerous collections in supermarkets (an average of 2 TONS PER MONTH is distributed). His small team is entirely dedicated and volunteers. The association lives only on private donations.
Teamer da: 09/09/2024
L’association Alvia la voix des animaux vient en aide aux chiens et chats errants de Tunisie que nous soignons et faisons adopter en Europe. Nous recueillons principalement des animaux handicapés.
Teamer da: 09/09/2024
Siamo di amiche di Donata Campanella e della sua Associazione "Tutti insieme appassionatamente Onlus", che in Sicilia dà ricovero a più di 160 cani, tutti recuperati sul territorio. Ha trovato un terreno sul quale costruire il suo tanto agognato rifugio. Necessita di aiuti economici per costruire il rifugio, trasferire i cani, assolvere le pratiche burocratiche, mettere luce e gas e continuare ad assistere e curare i cani. Solo per il cibo necessita ogni giorni di almeno 90kg per sfamarli tutti.