cristina vieson torres

cristina vieson torres


Teamer in 6 Gruppi

Dona ogni mese: 5 € a 5 Gruppi

Da 13-05-2017 ha contribuito 382 €

Gruppi ai quali partecipo


74.824 € Totale raccolto

701 Teamer

Teamer da:  13/05/2017

Animal Rescue Centre Every Horse in the World (Formerly Known as CYD)

Our animal rescue centre is one of a kind. We need your help to feed and take care of over 200 animals, including horses, dogs, cats, ferrets, tortoises, peacocks and chickens, that live in semi-freedom, as well as other animals in need of our urgent help. Smile with Us. Join our Family.

24.137 € Totale raccolto

249 Teamer

Teamer da:  14/05/2017

Emergencies-Every Horse in the World Animal Shelter (formerly known as CYD)

Our Animal Rescue Centre, Every Horse in the World, creates this second group for urgent cases. We remind you that besides horses we have dogs, cats, birds, ferrets that need your help. Smile with Us, Join our Family.

2.997 € Totale raccolto

28 Teamer

Teamer da:  01/08/2017

Felinos en apuros. Colonia felina en La Acebeda

Dal 2017, data la loro situazione, mi occupo di aiutare i gatti randagi, occupandomi della loro alimentazione, delle esigenze veterinarie, facendo REB e gestendo le adozioni di gatti socievoli. Non ricevo alcun sostegno istituzionale. Se tieni ai gatti randagi, apprezzerei davvero il tuo aiuto per continuare ad aiutarli unendoti a Teaming. Puoi anche dare un contributo a: ES90 0049 0366 2722 1010 9003 Banco Santander

10.961 € Totale raccolto

266 Teamer

Teamer da:  28/04/2019

Association Stéphane LAMART "Pour la défense des droits des animaux"

Hungry, thirsty, mistreated or abandoned, animals unfortunately do not have the power to ask for help. This is why the Stéphane Lamart association acts daily to defend them, to take care of them, to welcome them in its shelters, and to find them a new family. All these actions are possible thanks to your unconditional support, indeed, we have no help from the State to ensure our rescues. We live only thanks to your generosity.

3.695 € Totale raccolto

91 Teamer

Teamer da:  26/07/2019

SFT Animal Sanctuary of Tangier (Morocco)

The abandoned animals in Tangier (Morocco) need our help!! SFT provides shelter and care for hundreds of animal, both those in the shelter and in the streets. This is our teaming group. Please, hep us with a small montly donation of 1 € , 1 USD, 1 GBP....

1.462 € Totale raccolto

39 Teamer

Teamer da:  24/10/2021

Cosy Cat's ASBL

Cosy Cat's est une jeune association ayant pour objectif le sauvetage de chats et chatons abandonnés. Recueillir, Nourrir, Soigner, Sociabiliser et Mettre en ordre nos protégés (Stérilisation, Puce, Vaccins), telle est notre mission ! Une fois remis sur pattes et prêts pour l'adoption, nous recherchons une famille SÉRIEUSE ET AIMANTE dans laquelle ils passeront le reste de leur vie ❤