Cristina Roca Regalado

Valencia, Espanha

Teamer de 6 Grupos

Contribui mensalmente: 6 € para 6 Grupos/projetos sociais

Desde 20-04-2021 contribuiu 188 €

Grupos de que participa


6 772 € Arrecadados

98 Teamers

Teamer desde:  20/04/2021


Asociación sin ánimo de lucro dedicada a rescatar, alimentar y buscar casas de acogida y adopción a animales abandonados en Tavernes de la Valldigna.

22 916 € Arrecadados

305 Teamers

Teamer desde:  21/01/2022

Manuel's Station Garden (Cat's Paradise)

A group of neighbors from a small town called Manuel (Valencia,Spain), wants to help street cats. We've created a garden with houses where they can live happily. We need to continue planting vegetation for protect themselves from the heat, build more houses that protect from the cold, and also roofs that provide shade in summer. But above all we need to continue feeding, rescuing, sterilizing, and vaccinating. Can you help us with our dream?

2 570 € Arrecadados

63 Teamers

Teamer desde:  30/06/2022

Dignitat Gatuna

Dignitat Gatuna naix amb la finalitat de conscienciar i donar visibilitat als gats del carrer que viuen en tots els municipis. El nostre objectiu és el de poder aconseguir un lloc protegit perquè aquests animals puguen viure lliurement sense que perille la seva vida. Es a dir, llocs municipals amb garantíes. Però mentres ho aconseguim anem alimentant-los i intentant donant-los una vida més digna. Ens ajudeu?

8 970 € Arrecadados

431 Teamers

Teamer desde:  14/10/2022

Dogsoul Team

Mi nombre es Oscar, soy un simple particular que ha empezado una lucha por los derechos de todos los animales.

26 854 € Arrecadados

554 Teamers

Teamer desde:  13/12/2022

Con B de Galgo

Asoc. Protective of Animals ConB de Galgo, CIF: G72526627 We give a home to all the furry ones we rescue, until we find their family. It is hard work, which requires passion and, like almost everything in this world, money. In addition to arriving malnourished, and in terrible conditions that require a veterinarian, most will suffer from gastrointestinal problems for life. Why? Due to poor nutrition and continuous feed changes. Help us for only 1 eu/month. Ask us!

1 447 € Arrecadados

91 Teamers

Teamer desde:  20/02/2023

La Camada Feliz

We are in the fight against Animal Abuse chasing all abusers we carry out Rescue of abused animals