Criis Marcos

Madrid, Spagna

Teaming Manager di 1 Gruppi

Teamer in 4 Gruppi

Dona ogni mese: 5 € a 5 Gruppi

Da 09-03-2024 ha contribuito 29 €

Gruppi che amministra


22.116 € Totale raccolto

309 Teamer

Teaming Manager dal:   09/03/2024

Salvando Peludos | Animal Sanctuary

At Santuario Salvando Peludos, we give a second chance to animals often mislabeled as “farm animals,” who have been victims of the meat, dairy, hunting, or entertainment industries. Here, they find a safe haven filled with love and care. We work to change the perception of these animals, defending the lives of all sentient beings. We promote antiespeciesist ideas, advocate for a vegan lifestyle, and ensure their well-being. Because the value of a life does not depend on its species.

Gruppi ai quali partecipo


74.492 € Totale raccolto

778 Teamer

Teamer da:  07/05/2024

Salvando Peludos | El Campito - Animal Shelter

We are Salvando Peludos, the animal rescue and awareness foundation with an indomitable character. Our work goes far beyond rescue and adoption management. At El Campito, we work every day to: We rehabilitate dogs and cats, we carry out CER (Capture, Neuter and Return) programs in feline colonies, we give talks to raise awareness about the importance of animal protection and we encourage responsible adoption.

10.132 € Totale raccolto

655 Teamer

Teamer da:  07/05/2024


Somos un Refugio de Animales en Cantabria, el refugio lo llevamos 2 personas, el dinero para mantener los animales, obras de nuestros sueldos, tenemos nuestros empleos además de llevar el refugio, caballos, burros, cabras, patos, cerdos, gallinas, perros, gatos, tortugas que vienen la mayoría de una vida de maltrato, cuya única salida era la muerte, aquí encuentran una segunda oportunidad para vivir en paz, las facturas se nos acumulan como comprenderéis, ayúdanos a ayudarlos!

34.365 € Totale raccolto

853 Teamer

Teamer da:  26/10/2024

La Vida Color Frambuesa Animal Sanctuary

We are a multispecie animal refuge, we give home to more than 150 animals of 14 different species, all the animals who live here have come to us from abusive situations or because they had no other options. Our goal is that the animals that have arrived here have the best quality of life possible and with their stories people get to know them and understand that all lives matter.

21.716 € Totale raccolto

816 Teamer

Teamer da:  31/10/2024

Salvar Santuario Vacaloura

The funds raised through this group will be used to carry out the necessary works to build #ParaísoVacaloura and to deal with the constant improvement and maintenance that such a facility requires.