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Übersetzung in Beta. Hilf mit!

Legal Agreements Teaming

5. Data protection policy

What are cookies?

A cookie is a file which is downloaded on your computer when you access certain web pages. Among other things, cookies allow a web page to store and retrieve information about user or device-specific browsing habits. Depending on the information which they contain, and the way the equipment is used, they can also be used to recognise the user.

Cookies and IP

The User accepts and authorizes the use of cookies and IP tracking. Our website traffic analyser uses cookies and IP tracking to collect data for statistical purposes, such as: data of first visit, number of times visited, data of last visit, URL and domain it comes from, browser used and screen resolution. However, if he so desires, the User can disable and/or delete these cookies by following the instructions of his Internet browser.

TEAMING does not use "spamming" techniques and will only process the data that the User transmits via the electronic form provided on this website or by email.

This website uses Google Analytics, a website analysing service provided by Google, Inc., a Delaware company whose headquarters are at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, USA (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files located in your computer to help the website analyse the use made by website Users. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be directly transmitted and filed by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information on our behalf in order to track your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity and providing other services related to website activity and Internet use. Google may transmit this information to third parties when required by law or when these third parties process the information on behalf of Google. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data possessed by Google. The User may reject the processing of data or information by rejecting the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on his browser. However, if he does so, he may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. By using this website, the User consents to the processing of information about the User by Google in the manner and for the purposes described above. >

Classification, aims and implementation of cookies on Teaming

Cookies can be divided into session-only and permanent, according to how long they last. The former expire when the User closes their browser. The latter expire when they've completed their designated purpose (for example, keeping the User identified in the website's Services) or can be manually deleted.

REGISTRATION COOKIES: Registration cookies are generated once the User has registered or previously opened their session, and are used to identify them in the Services section with the following objectives in mind:

Keeping track of the user. If a Service is closed and then reopened using the same browser or computer, the user will remain identified, making for easier site navigation. This mode can be switched off by clicking “close session”, which eliminates the cookie and means the User must open the session again to be identified the next time they use the Service in question.

ANALYTIC COOKIES: Each time a User visits a Service, a tool created by an external provider (specifically, Google Analytics and any others which might be added to this list in the future) generates an analytical cookie in the User's computer. This cookie, which is only created by visits, is used to anonymously track the User's subsequent visits to this web page. The main reasons for this include:

  • - Allowing anonymous tracking of browsing Users via the “cookie” (only browsers and devices are identified, not people). This means approximate numbers of visits and visit times can be recorded.

  • - Identifying (again, anonymously) the most often-visited, and therefore most relevant content for Users

  • - To know if the User who is browsing is new or a repeat visit.

How do I disable cookies in the most common browsers?

Normally, it's possible to set browsers to reject cookies, or to stop accepting the cookies of one Service in particular.

All modern browsers allow you to update cookie preferences. These setting are normally found in “Options” or “Settings” in your browser menu. Here, you can also configure your browser or email provider, as well as install free tools to help you avoid downloading Web Bugs when you open an email.

We offer guidance on how to access the cookie preferences menu, and, where necessary, on browsing privacy in each of the main browsers:

  • - Internet Explorer: Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy -> Settings. For more information, please consult Microsoft's customer help services, or the Help section of your browser.

  • - Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Privacy -> History -> Personalized Setup. For more information, please consult Mozilla's customer help services, or the Help section of your browser.

  • - Chrome: Configuration -> Show advanced options -> Privacy -> Content settings. For more information, please consult Google's customer help services, or the Help section of your browser.

  • - Safari: Preferences -> Security. For more information, please consult Apple's customer help services, or the Help section of your browser.

What happens if cookies are disabled?

Some functions of the Services will be disabled, such as, for example, the ability to remain identified and receive location-specific information.


Teaming may modify this Cookie Policy in function of legal requirements, regulations or with the aim of adapting this policy to instructions specified by the Spanish Agency for Data Protection. Because of this, Users are advised to revisit periodically.When a significant change in this Cookie Policy occurs, it will be communicated to users via the web or in emails to registered Users.