Colony Cats Montjuïc (feeding and caring for feral cats)

Colony Cats Montjuïc (feeding and caring for feral cats)

26  Teamers
1.442 € recaudados

Hola! Yo y otros voluntarios cuidamos y alimentamos colonias de gatos en Montjuïc, Barcelona - 14 gatos en total. Construimos refugios para protegerlos del mal tiempo. Si están enfermo/herido los atrapamos para llevarlos al veterinario, a veces con la ayuda de una asociación, pero a menudo carecen de recursos por lo que pagamos de nuestro bolsillo. Buscamos adoptantes para los gatos que no pueden vivir más en la calle. Y doy un trabajo a un hombre sin techo para ayudarnos a cuidar las colonias.

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Help feral cats and provide a job for a homeless person (David)

Lisa McCarthy (Colony Cats Montjuïc)

Micro social project set up via Colony Cats Montjuïc, volunteers who look after feral cats in Montjuïc, Barcelona. We wanted to give David, a homeless guy, a small job helping us to look after the cats, so we needed to raise some funds to pay him.

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Lisa McCarthy
Lisa McCarthy
Teaming Manager

15/09/2024 12:31 h

Hi Teamers!

Apologies for not providing regular updates, life just gets too busy sometimes.

This year has been a tough one for our colony as we’ve lost a few cats, even two from the same family (I have another cat from that family, who I adopted many years ago). ☹

You may remember that we were trying to find a forever home for Dartagnan (Dart), in the photo, who we removed from the colony over 3 years ago because he had FIV and was ill. We found him a kind and caring foster home with Lucy Pinker and hoped to find him a forever home. ☹ Unfortunately, he never allowed himself to be touched (though he was friendly in the colony). That, along with his FIV, meant few people were interested in adopting him. He continued to have breathing problems, which worsened a few months ago, requiring a vet visit. It turned out he had severe bronchitis and his blood work showed additional health problems. The vet said that the most humane thing to do, considering the outlook, was to let him go. This was a tough decision I and his foster mum had to make, and we sadly said goodbye to Dart to avoid further stress and suffering for him. It was a very sad day for all the colony volunteers, we gave him a chance at a better life, but it didn’t work out in the long term. Added to that, his sister Perla, who was still in the colony, was found dead on the road shortly after. ☹

We also lost two of our oldest cats. Raya, who was found dead on the road, and Pirata, a blind cat rescued from the colony by one of our kind volunteers. Another old cat, Leo, has been missing for almost a week now. Looking after a cat colony is important and rewarding work but it’s heartbreaking to lose the cats you’ve known for many years.

But it wasn’t all bad news this year. If you remember, we employed David, a homeless guy, to help us take care of the colony. He did a fantastic job for around two years before setting up his own business buying and refurbishing snowboards. You can check out his Instagram account here: David lives at the other side of the city now but looks after a cat colony near Poble Nou.

I’d like to thank everyone for your support over the years, it really made a difference. We were able to cover Dart’s expenses in his foster home, help a homeless guy get back on his feet, and cover ad hoc expenses for the rest of our colony. THANK YOU!!! I will probably close this account soon and the remaining funds will be saved for future needs in our colony.

Love from Lisa and the Montjuïc colony cats xx

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
1.442 €
Ya hemos donado:
1.390 €
Vamos a donar:
52 €
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Defensa de los animales



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