Christina Li

Cádiz, Espagne

Teaming Manager de 3 Groupes

Teamer de 2 Groupes

Chaque mois il/elle apporte 5 € à 5 Groupes

Depuis le 07-01-2024 il/elle a donné 48 €

Groupes qu'il/elle dirige


2 505 € récoltés

62 Teamers

Teaming Manager depuis :  07/01/2024

The Animal Collective (TAC)

TAC's main objective it to raise awareness about animal rights & needs in schools and other youth settings through theme days, workshops and organised activities in shelters. This way we hope to decrease animal abuse and abandonment in Andalusia. We also organise fundraising events to be able to support shelters logistically and in emergency situations. Further, we provide volunteers to do repair and building work. Our motto is "Working together for the highest possible Good for ALL".

64 € récoltés

7 Teamers

Teaming Manager depuis :  08/01/2024

The Animal Collective Bunnies & Friends

Rodents are another type of animals that get abandoned but always forgotten about. We are the only charity in this area that fosters rabbits, hamsters, gerbils and guinea pigs. Some of them have been abused as well and we try to re-socialise them and find better homes for them. Their up-keep is quite expensive due to their many needs, so we're grateful for any contribution.

84 € récoltés

10 Teamers

Teaming Manager depuis :  13/01/2024

Castration Fund - The Animal Collective

In order to reduce the high number of stray cats and, thus, suffering, castrations are key. We also castrate male rabbits, as their numbers have gone out of control, due the high number of abandonment. Para reducir el elevado número de gatos callejeros y, por tanto, su sufrimiento, las castraciones son clave. También castramos conejos machos, ya que se abandona mucho en esta zona debido al abandono inmenso aquí.

Groupes auxquels il/elle participe


42 689 € récoltés

1 705 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  16/01/2024

Familia Bombay

Kittens Shelter for Leukemic Cats. On April 9th, 2021, the 8 babies of Bombay were born, a kitten rescued 21 days earlier from the street. An angel suffering from 3 mastitis since giving birth, yet continuing to breastfeed her babies. Two months later, we find out that both the 8 babies and Bombay are positive for Leukemia, and today 'Bombay Family' begins to fulfill a dream and not abandon the weakest at the worst moment. Help with veterinary expenses, medicines, and food.

517 185 € récoltés

14 557 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  05/08/2024

Teamers 4 Teaming

Sur Teaming nous travaillons dur pour que toutes les causes sociales puissent réaliser leurs rêves. Depuis que nous avons lancé Teaming, nous avons récolté plus de 50 millions d’euros pour celles-ci. Tout ce que nous collectons dans ce Groupe permet à la Fondation Teaming de continuer ses efforts. Grâce notamment aux Teamers de ce Groupe, Teaming est 100% gratuit et sans commissions. Notre rêve est qu’un jour grâce à ce Groupe nous puissions être autosuffisants. Aide-nous à aider !