Teamer in 4 Gruppi
Dona ogni mese: 4 € a 4 Gruppi
Da 04-11-2020 ha contribuito 105 €
Teamer da: 13/04/2021
We are an association of animal protection dedicated to the rescue of dogs and horses in ill-treatment, abandoned, in pound, awaiting euthanasia, in France and in Spain. The expenses of the rescues are important and in spite of the adoptions the amount of the participation is not enough because the veterinary expenses, the expenses of pension are too important.
Teamer da: 20/09/2023
Hello everyone, I have been taking care of street cats for more than 20 years, my personal finances being tough, I decided to create my association (sterilization, feeding, care, adoption, etc.) to continue to take care of street cats who are unfortunately too often left behind and in suffering (hunger, cold, illnesses, fear and...). I absolutely need funds to help me start this adventure and make the association sustainable. Thank you ❤️
Teamer da: 03/10/2023
Associazione francese Rifugio “Le charadis” per 380 gatti e 25 cani di strada, abbandonati, malati o disabili a Essaouira, in Marocco. Sono vaccinati e sterilizzati. Corinne, la presidente fondatrice è francese e vive in Marocco dove la povertà animale è estrema... Nessuna adozione, nessun aiuto da fondazioni marocchine o straniere, nessun dispensario Campagna per sterilizzare cani e gatti di strada. Nutrire e prendersi cura degli animali di strada
Teamer da: 28/07/2024
L'association Animoureux sauve des animaux (chiens et chats principalement), les soigne, les sociabilise, les met en regle (identification vaccin stérilisation etc) puis les fait adopter. Nous organisons pas mal d'événements comme les collectes ou les opérations d'emballage mais malheureusement ça ne suffit pas. Nous avons donc besoin de vous pour garder notre trésorerie à flot afin de continuer nos actions. Milles merci