Cats of Lefka Ori

Cats of Lefka Ori

58  Teamers
74 € recaudados

Cats of Lefka Ori: With heart and soul for cats in need on Crete Mary and her husband have been fully committed to helping injured, sick and motherless street cats on Crete since the end of 2021. They are lovingly nursed and find a permanent home. Alyssa and Theresa provide support from Germany and Austria. They tell the cats' stories, look for new owners and collect donations for medical care, neutering and food. Every donation helps!

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Help for street cats on Crete

Cats of Lefka Ori

Cats of Lefka Ori is a "place" on Crete. Street cats live there with Mary and her husband. They feed them, care for them, take them to the vet for necessary examinations and look after countless street colonies every day.

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
74 €
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Defensa de los animales


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