Barcelona, Spagna
Teamer in 9 Gruppi
Dona ogni mese: 9 € a 9 Gruppi
Da 15-06-2015 ha contribuito 931 €
Teamer da: 15/06/2015
Universigats es una asociación animalista que cuida a la colonia de gatos abandonados situada en el jardín del edificio histórico de la Universitat de Barcelona. Somos 12 voluntarios que buscamos ayuda económica para poder mantener la colonia, comprar pienso y latitas, renovar casetas y mantas desgastadas por el tiempo y las condiciones climáticas... Pero sobre todo, necesitamos ayuda para llevar al veterinario a los más de 60 gatos que viven en el jardín. ¡Muchas gracias por tu euro!
Teamer da: 27/01/2016
Espai de Gats is a cat adoption center in Barcelona that works every day to find homes for adult cats, those who, unfortunately, wait most unseen in shelters and shelters. This non-profit project is sustainable thanks to people like you, who love animals. With your contribution, intended for their care, you help us to continue finding them a home every month.
Teamer da: 27/01/2016
We are an association formed by volunteers who love these little beings that one day sneaked into our lives. We help to feed and control colonies of cats in Barcelona, rescuing and giving up abandoned puppies and adult cats. We want to raise awareness about respect and responsible ownership as the only way to solve the dramatic situation of homeless cats. You can be part of this, cheer up.
Teamer da: 27/01/2016
We want to be able to help the SOS that come to us every day. Cases of sick, injured cats, or rescues in areas that are not close to us. With your help we can give support to the emergencies that are coming to us, giving information, support and economic help both to our rescues and to a particular or other association. That's why we need you, that's why you're very important!
Teamer da: 22/03/2016
Els 400 Gats is a non-profit association, formed by volunteers who manage the colonies of cats established on the street in Premià de Mar and Premià de Dalt. We apply the Ces method in the colonies of cats and are given veterinary assistance when they need.
Teamer da: 19/06/2017
♥ Love and animal help. Association of volunteers who, since 2009, have promoted the adoption of abandoned animals, we support protectors and associations to meet their needs for food, veterinary expenses ... and raise awareness about animal welfare and defense ♥
Teamer da: 04/04/2018
Aiutiamo più di 8,000 cause sociali a rendere possibili i loro progetti. Da quando è stato lanciato Teaming, abbiamo raccolto per loro più di 50 milioni di euro, a commissioni zero. Abbiamo creato questo Gruppo in modo da supportare la Fondazione Teaming per aiutare gli altri, attraverso questa piattaforma. È grazie ai Teamers di questo Gruppo che Teaming è totalmente gratuito. Il nostro sogno è quello di renderci autosufficienti, proprio grazie a questo Gruppo.Ti piacerebbe unirti a noi?
Teamer da: 02/04/2021
Founded by famous Dr. Jane Goodall (Messenger of Peace of the UN and Prince of Asturias Award), the IJG is a non-profit organization in the conservation, rescue and rehabilitation of orphan chimpanzees in Africa (visit Your euro will be transformed into needed food and medicine, and also into local employment and educational activities with the communities of Congo and Senegal. Each month, for the equivalent of a coffee, YOU can make a difference for many living beings...
Teamer da: 04/05/2023
APAEC (Asociación Protectora de Animales Exóticos de Cataluña) es un equipo de voluntarios y amantes de los animales que surge ante la necesidad de sentar unas bases en las que se contemplen a los animales exóticos, destinados a animales de compañía, como seres dignos de protección, cuidados y cariño.