Cáncer Care Javea

Cáncer Care Javea

6  Teamers
148 € recaudados

..a charitable organisation based in Javea, Spain, first established in 1998. Cancer Care Javea is a charity dedicated to supporting local people and beyond, affected by cancer. We work with professionals and experts to deliver care and meet the needs of people throughout their cancer journey. We endeavour to raise funds and distribute them where most needed. We collaborate with other charities and organisations, by working together we can help more people

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Research and Patient Care

Cancer Care Javea

As part of our aim to provide monies and help where most needed, we have had a vision to provide a nursing team, similar to Macmillan nurses, so that anybody who is suffering from cancer, or is close to the patient, can come to us for help and support. We now have our own Lead Care Nurse who works with a team to help with communications between patients and local hospitals and with other aspects of care required before, during and after a diagnosis of cancer. We are proud to say that we have a growing list of patients who have now benefited greatly from this service since it started. It has inspired our long term vision to provide a service which guides as many patients and families as possible through the health system from diagnosis, testing, treatment and follow up care.

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
148 €
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