REMAR ONG is help and mercy for people in situations of poverty and abandonment around the world. These people are vulnerable and need your help. One euro a month can: provide a hot meal to a child who has nothing to eat - pay for a roof in a REMAR shelter - pay for a doctor's consultation or a prescription for a sick person - help give a homeless teenager a job family - help an abused woman and her children... Your euro changes lives. Change the world!.
How much does a coffee cost? A bag of chips? A soda? How much does it cost to save a life? At REMAR NGO, we announce that one euro per month saves lives. With your euro, you save people in poverty and abandonment: - PAN Program: meets the daily needs of 6,000 children without families in 160 REMAR Homes around the world. - Remar SOS: food, shelter, and medicine to victims of war and natural disasters around the world. - REMAR Reception Centers: families in poverty, addicts, abused women, prostitution, prisoners, and other people without resources. What do you contribute with your euro per month? A new commandment I give to you: Love one another; as I have loved you, so you must love one another. John 13:34 You are part of something great. You are part of a large network of people working in the service of God and others. Do you want to change the world?: Donate one euro per month in this campaign. Your help saves lives.
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¡Jaime: De la Oscuridad a la Esperanza! Un Impacto Poderoso con Solo un Euro al Mes | #VidaCambiada
¡Descubre la increíble transformación de Jaime, un niño que superó la adversidad en "Un euro al mes, una vida cambiada". Conmueve tu corazón al ver cómo el apoyo de solo un euro mensual puede marcar la diferencia en la vida de aquellos que más lo necesitan. Únete a nuestra campaña y sé parte de un movimiento que está cambiando vidas.
¡Haz tu pequeña contribución para un impacto gigante! ✨
#UnEuroUnaVida #TransformaciónConPropósito #RemarAngula #CambioPositivo
Publication date
Created by
Remar ONG
Type of Group
Children and Youth
International Cooperation