Cadena de Favores Las Gabias Granada

Granada, Espagne

Teaming Manager de 1 Groupes

Chaque mois il/elle apporte 1 € à 1 Groupes

Depuis le 20-10-2023 il/elle a donné 8 €

Groupes qu'il/elle dirige


60 € récoltés

13 Teamers

Teaming Manager depuis :  20/10/2023

Las Gabias Favors Chain Association

Among the projects carried out by the Las Gabias Chain of Favors Association, we highlight the Carmen Pilar Social Dining Hall, which helps to improve the quality of life of people with economic and social difficulties. We serve breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner daily and we distribute food from Tuesday to Friday to families and people in precarious situations and the homeless.