Teamer in 27 Groups
Contributes every month: €26 to 26 Groups
Since 18-08-2019 has contributed €539
Teamer since: 15/05/2020
Para quién recaudo dinero The 27th of August we started a project" rehoming feral kittens". This is now the third part!!In a small wooden house( now a shelter) i rehabilitate kittens till they get over , and thanks to all of you we find families and get the resources we need to pay all the expenses. Wonderful people helping together..we are now "a big family.
Teamer since: 05/11/2020
Funds raised will go directly to neutering and caring for the street cats of Canillas de Aceituno, a little village in the Axarquia region of Spain. With a small team I have neutered more than 500 cats over the past eight years. Without neutering, female cats are exhausted by continual pregnancies and the majority of the kittens do not survive to adulthood. Entire males receive injuries fighting, often losing an eye. Your support of this cause will help to prevent loss of life and suffering.
Teamer since: 09/12/2020
Stichting Zilver bemiddelt katten en honden, voornamelijk uit drie asielen rondom Alicante, Asoka. Naast bemiddeling, proberen we ook zoveel mogelijk op locatie te helpen. Bijvoorbeeld donatie van voer, medische hulpmiddelen en overige zaken om het leven van de dieren in het asiel te veraangenamen. Daaronder vallen ook diverse projecten in asielen in Oost Europese landen. Deze bemiddeling brengt veel kosten met zich mee en is afhankelijk van donaties.
Teamer since: 14/02/2021
We, the Galgo Project Foundation, support the Huellas Puertollano shelter. This is a private shelter in Spain with one mission, to find new homes for dogs and cats that have been left to fend for themselves.
Teamer since: 15/04/2022
HondenBrokkenMakers (HBM) steriliseert en voert straathonden en biedt ze gratis medische hulp. Op onze eigen farm in Topraisar aan de Zwarte Zee, waar we onze eigen kliniek hebben gerealiseerd, vangen we daarnaast gemiddeld 100 honden op die zich niet kunnen redden op straat; zij zijn gedumpt, aangereden, gewond, verlamd, ziek, uitgehongerd etcetera. Vrijwilligers zijn altijd welkom om te helpen. Alles gebeurt volledig transparant en alle donaties gaan naar de honden.
Teamer since: 11/07/2022
Een oase van groen en rust, voor jong en oud, voor mens en dier. Waar de geiten leven in een voedselbos, in alle rust en connectie met de natuur. Waar ze hun onvoorwaardelijke liefde en we het helend effect van het werken met en zorgen voor de dieren, in de heerlijke buitenlucht, kunnen delen met zij die er ook nood aan hebben. Back to basics. Terug naar de essentie van het leven. Veiligheid, respect, rust, vertrouwen, liefde en inclusie.
Teamer since: 27/08/2022
Villa Vacht is a lifetime sanctuary for paralyzed cats, located in Kerkrade, the Netherlands. Our goal is to provide a paradise for special needs cats, to bring awareness about the risks of free roaming outdoor cats and to spread the word amongst owners & veterinarians that paralyzed cats can have a beautiful life if you are willing to make some efforts. They just need a chance! We also provide help to owners to take care of their paralyzed friends. Thank you Loode & Kim
Teamer since: 06/11/2022
De stichting bekommert zich om dieren die nergens anders meer terecht kunnen. Dieren die elders om niet medische redenen gedood zouden worden. Een team van uitsluitend vrijwilligers biedt liefdevolle, huiselijke opvang, resocialisatie en rehabilitatie zodat getraumatiseerde dieren fysiek en mentaal kunnen helen. Dier en Project/Kattenwoud neemt de moeite en de tijd om de dieren 'terug op pootjes' te krijgen. Ieder dier is een individu, een letterlijk en figuurlijk kostbaar project.
Teamer since: 13/01/2023
I have been living on Crete since January 2018. My home has become an animal shelter. Since I find it so difficult to rehome the animals, I have been concentrating since 2024 - mainly on the silver paws. This means that there will no longer be any reimbursement of expenses via the protection fee/rehoming. And I will no longer have any heartache when I say "goodbye". That is why I need you and this emergency fund all the more ❤️
Teamer since: 18/01/2023
PROGAPE Ourense es la asociación protectora de gatos y perros de Ourense.
Teamer since: 03/09/2023
My name is Nikos Tsikalakis and I am the owner of Bronx Familia Animal Shelter. For the past 10 years I have dedicated my life to save the stray and abused dogs of Crete, Greece. I currently have 250 dogs, one horse, two sheep and a goat… times are often hard financially, but I believe that we together can make a better world for the animals. Will you join my cause? just 1 euro a month and together we can make sure all Bronx fur babies have full bellies every day! Love Nikos
Teamer since: 04/09/2023
Animal welfare goes beyond national borders. Every animal deserves a chance at a dignified life. The association operates a shelter in Tunari, Romania. A maximum of 140 dogs can currently be taken in and cared for there. We take care of dogs that have had an accident or are in need, and we constantly rescue animals from the so-called killing-shelters. In addition, we support and organize castration campaigns and maintain a Germany-wide network of around 100 foster homes.
Teamer since: 14/09/2023
For 2014 we have been helping Stibis' dog paradise, in Public Shelter Galati, where 1500 dogs "live". These dogs do not have anyone and so you need us. We make sure enough food is available on site and have already saved many dogs. We also castrate, we let dogs provide medical care, etc. Therefore, we are grateful to YOU for any help. We also have 50 dogs waiting for paid foster homes in Romania for your chance. Please help us so that we can continue to help
Teamer since: 16/10/2023
Spenden gehen an eine Gruppe von Tierschützern, die rumänische Hunde vor dem Tod in Tötungsstationen bewahrt, indem sie sie mithilfe von lieben Menschen, Paten und Sponsoren bei Pflegestellen in Rumänien und Deutschland unterbringen. Alle Fellnasen suchen im Anschluss ein liebevolles 4ever Home ❤️ Die Hunde reisen selbstverständlich kastriert, geimpft, entwurmt, entfloht, gechipt, mit ihren EU-Heimtierausweisen über TRACES nach positiver Vorkontrolle. Die behördliche Erlaubnis ist gegeben!
Teamer since: 12/11/2023
La Protectora de La Nucía es una organización de voluntarios donde intentamos curar y dar refugio a animales abandonados o maltratados y les buscamos un nuevo hogar. Necesitamos ayuda con los gastos veterinarios y para mejorar las instalaciones. / Het asiel van La Nucía samen met Sphoek, is een vrijwilligersorganisatie die gewonde, mishandelde of achtergelaten dieren helpt. We bieden ze onderdak, medische zorg en zoeken een nieuw thuis voor ze. Met uw hulp kunnen we dit bekostigen. Gracias!
Teamer since: 04/02/2024
Wir betreiben ein privates Tierheim mit 400 Hunden die wir täglich versorgen und auch behandeln. Wir sind die einzige Hoffnung dieser Hunde und hoffen auf Deine Unterstützung
Teamer since: 28/02/2024
Sabir comes from Azerbaijan and, as an unemployed person with a serious heart operation behind him, has already rescued countless cats together with his two daughters and his wife, although he himself only has enough money to eat. They regularly add new cats to the 40 they have to care for, both adults and kittens, which they rescue from the cruel streets and people. The family is grateful for every donation, because every euro counts for the cats!
Teamer since: 23/03/2024
We are an animal shelter who defends animal rights.We are taking care of about 100 animals and we need help tu pay all their maintenance and keep rescuing more in the future. Thanks a million for your help
Teamer since: 26/04/2024
Situado en Zarramacedo, en el Refuxio de Bando se alojan, tratan y dan en adopción animales recogidos en la zona de Santiago de Compostela, Val do Dubra, Boqueixón, Brión, Touro, Teo y Vedra. Actualmente hay una media de 180 perros y 100 gatos (que en verano aumenta considerablemente). Los recursos económicos son bastante limitados, por lo que se necesita ayuda sobre todo para poder continuar cubriendo gastos veterinarios y de alimentación.
Teamer since: 28/06/2024
Somos una protectora de animales que vela por el bienestar de los mismos. Actualmente tenemos a nuestro cuidado más de 600 animales que necesitan la ayuda de todos vosotros. Ayudadnos a darles calidad de vida y a encontrarles un buen hogar para ellos.Muchas gracias por tu colaboración.
Teamer since: 19/08/2024
GINN is an organization of volunteers who oppose neglect and abuse of Galgos in Spain and Greyhounds in Ireland. We deliver supplies, medicines and financial support to the Spanish and Irish shelters. Mediation in the adoption of Galgos, Greyhounds and Lurchers, events and publications to highlight the horrific abuses. Join the group and give only €1,00 per month, together we can help a lot of dogs!
Teamer since: 22/08/2024
Paradis d'Animaux is committed to helping animals in urgent need of permanent homes. These animals will grow old with us. Making as many animals happy as possible is our main goal. Currently, more than 200 animals live in our shelter. At Animal Paradise, the animals are not kept separately in cages, but live in freedom with each other. Many of them are in bad shape on arrival and need a lot of care. With teaming we try to raise money for their food and medical care
Teamer since: 14/09/2024
Neuter and Spay is the only way to humanely reduce the number of strays, living a life full of suffering. In Romania. In Greece. Anywhere actually. With our Teaming Group we mostly help spay campaigns supported by the charities Dierennood, WereldAsielen, Help Honden Roemenië. We help in Romania. In Greece. In other countries. Each spay counts! Please join us, it's only one euro a month, but it does count! All together we really do make a difference! Thank you!!!
Teamer since: 14/09/2024
So many animals living in hard conditions, worldwide.. And there is so much we cannot do. But there is still a little we cán do! By this group we help dedicated, deeply motivated people who do help those animals in need, with a donation for food, medical costs, other urgent requests. Rescuers supported by charities like Dierennood, WereldAsielen, Dierencentrum Friesland, Help Honden Roemenië. It will cost us only one euro a month. But it does help. Thank you!!
Teamer since: 24/11/2024
Sanda Andrei is head of a shelter near Bukarest. Lovingly she cares for "her" dogs and cats and some groups of dogs that live on the streets. Whenever possible, she helps castrate and vaccinate some of these dogs. Between the organisation Pfote sucht Glück and Sanda a warm cooperation has been established. By becoming a teamer, your little money can make a huge impact: for example, 25 teamers can finance one castration per month and so help the animals in the long run.
Teamer since: 01/12/2024
somos una Asociación sin animo de lucro, creada por un grupo de voluntarios unidos por una misma causa, ayudar a los peludos. Luchamos todos los días por salvar vidas de seres indefensos, pero lo hacemos sin ningún tipo de ayuda. Con este grupo solo pretendemos, que todas las personas que quieran colaborar de una manera sencilla con nosotros lo puedan hacer. Cada euro cuenta, unidos podemos lograr muchas cosas. Asoc. Protectora de Animales Terrenito Asos N.I.F: G42504589.
Teamer since: 03/12/2024
El Valle Encantado es una posada animal, es decir, un lugar de cobijo y sanación para animales. Estamos situados en la Sierra Oeste de Madrid