Bear Again - Orphan Bear Rehabilitation Center

Bear Again - Orphan Bear Rehabilitation Center

66  Teamers
4 328 € récoltés

Since 2004 our project has rehabilitated and released into the wild over 150 orphan brown bear cubs in need from all over Europe. It's the only project of its kind on the continent. If not for our project, these cubs would face a lifetime of captivity in zoos, sanctuaries, or even worse, they would be euthanized. Your donation helps us recover more cubs in need, provide them with food, medical assistance, tracking equipment after release, and cover expenses of transport and other necessities

Nous destinons notre collecte à :

Taking care of the new orphans of the year

Orphan Bear Rehabilitation Center - Romania

Seven new orphan cubs joind our project this year. The funds will contribute to their rehabilitation process, covering expenses like feeding, care taking, food and new bear's transportation and other necessary costs.

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Actualisations du Groupe

Leonardo Bereczky
Leonardo Bereczky
Teaming Manager

04/07/2024 11:29 h

Seven orphan cubs joind our project so far this summer. Follow our facebook page ( to see the newest events.
Thank you very much for your support. This project would not be possible without your help!!!

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Dernier commentaire

Leonardo Bereczky
Leonardo Bereczky
Teaming Manager

18/06/2024 07:27 h

Five new cubs joind us so far, but we expect more. Stay with us to see them on our facebook page:
These little bears would have no chance without your help.
Thank you very much for your support!!!

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Daniel Matedan

26/04/2020 14:26 h

Împreună putem face multe chestii faine! Go bears

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Nous avons récolté à ce jour :
4 328 €
Voir détail des collectes


Date de publication

Type de Groupe

Défense des animaux
Animal Rehabilitation Center


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