Azada Verde

Madrid, Spagna

Teaming Manager di 3 Gruppi

Teamer in 2 Gruppi

Dona ogni mese: 4 € a 4 Gruppi

Da 19-02-2013 ha contribuito 506 €

Gruppi che amministra


8.973 € Totale raccolto

44 Teamer

Teaming Manager dal:   09/12/2013


Escolas de Paz is a social initiative that offers comprehensive care to orphans and vulnerable children, with the aim of guaranteeing them a more dignified future. Thanks to the work of the last years, the project offers a global care to 200 children between 5 and 14 years old distributed in the 4 localities that do not have basic minimum conditions.

230 € Totale raccolto

4 Teamer

Teaming Manager dal:   22/11/2018

Bicycle-Pumps for Development

The Bicycle-Pumps for Development are "eco-techniques" that, thanks to the pedaling of a bicycle, allow families with few resources to have water to irrigate their family plots. We have 25 Water Pump Bikes installed for 25 families in the Chibabava and Buzi districts, Sofala province, Mozambique. With a Bike-Pump we get a family to ensure their food, diversify their diet and earn an income. Goal to end hunger and poverty.

112 € Totale raccolto

2 Teamer

Teaming Manager dal:   22/11/2018

Agricultural Associations

Our Agricultural Associations improve production, increase income and diversify the diet of rural families. Especially women, who for the first time will be the ones to bring money home. Today we support two Associations where more than 70% are women. Our philosophy: "agroecology and clean energy feed thousands" This year in one of them we managed to install a solar irrigation system

Gruppi ai quali partecipo


676 € Totale raccolto

5 Teamer

Teamer da:  19/02/2013


Uneix-te al nostre grup per a col·laborar amb el projecte de l'associació ReSitua't per a la igualtat real d'oportunitats dels infants de barris amb risc d'exclusió social. El projecte ESCOLA XXI és un projecte d'acció social psicoterapèutica que es realitza dins les escoles a Girona. El projecte engloba els alumnes, les seves famílies i l'equip docent del centre. Per a més informació visiteu la pàgina de l'assocació:

16.890 € Totale raccolto

485 Teamer

Teamer da:  11/02/2016

Fundació Silvestre

Every 18 minutes a pet is abandoned. Fundació Silvestre shelters abandoned cats in their Refuge to give them up for adoption and provide them with a new opportunity. Join our group and help us! You collaborate in veterinary care and food with only 1€ per month.