Teamer desde: 23/01/2019
We work together towards a world where donkeys and mules live free from suffering, and their contribution to humanity is fully valued. El Refugio del Burrito is actively involved in causes that encourage the application and improvement of existing laws regarding animal welfare and the promotion of education and awareness campaigns about responsible equine ownership and expert care.
Teamer desde: 23/01/2019
MADRID FELINA es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro. Somos los que sabemos que Madrid está llena de gatos olvidados y gatos buscados, gatos maltratados y gatos perseguidos. Buscamos alcanzar un sueño: Crear un centro de acogida y recuperación para gatos de Madrid, donde puedan encontrar el refugio y la oportunidad que tantas veces no les brinda y procurar una ciudad, con gatos felices, salvados y serenos y en paz, con su hábitat y con los ciudadanos.
Teamer desde: 14/08/2020
We give DRINKING WATER to families in Yemen who were displaced from their homes by more than 8 years of war. Yemen is the biggest humanitarian emergency on the planet and is suffering from a cholera epidemic and shocking infant mortality. With your EURO we buy and refill WATER TANKS in IDP camps and schools. We have 50 in 4 camps and in 5 schools. More than 000 9people receive water (800 thousand litres/month). Yemen needs more water! 1€=101 litres in the north and 129 in the south. JOIN US!
Teamer desde: 14/08/2020
Yemen is living a brutal humanitarian emergency. The girls are married off in hopes that they will be fed. The boys are recruited as soldiers. Their lives are hell: rapes, pregnancies, violence. If the school provides food, families are more likely to bring them. We give milk, bread, egg/cheese/tuna and fruit to 1747 children and their lifes have changed!!. 1 breakfast =€0.56. 1month=€12,3. TOTAL 3 school/month= €21.523. Your € FEEDS, EDUCATES AND PROTECTS.
Teamer desde: 13/02/2023
En plena zona de La Mancha, dónde de los que no nos acordamos no tienen ni nombre, nace la asociación Galgos de La Mancha. En una zona dónde hay nulas adopciones, y un masivo abandono, precisamos de vuestra ayuda continua para salir adelante. Rescatamos, acogemos, rehabilitamos y buscamos hogar a los que sufren las consecuencias del abandono derivado de la caza. ¡Ayúdanos desde 1€ al mes!
Teamer desde: 13/02/2023
The Ana Bella Foundation is a network of women survivors who help 2000 abused women a year to break the silence, reinsert into the labor market and recover their lives not as victims but as happy and victorious women. Thanks for joining our group, your monthly euro is transformed by our volunteers into Love in Action to help 20 women and their kids access to an independent house after the shelter.
Teamer desde: 13/02/2023
Open Arms opens its arms to women, men, boys, girls and all those fleeing horror, looking for a chance. The humanitarian emergency in the Mediterranean does not stop and our mission is to protect the lives of the most vulnerable at sea, and on land continues. Working in schools on human rights and empathy and denouncing all injustices is our mission as well. From your hand we can prevent more deaths. We need each other. You are needed.
Teamer desde: 13/02/2023
Voluntariado para mejorar la vida de los gatos callejeros en alalpardo y algete buscar adopción y acogida y ayudar a su alimentación, colaborar en el método cer
Teamer desde: 15/03/2024
1 in 5 children in Yemen suffer from acute malnutrition (2.3 million total). 500,000 are at risk of death. Families do not have money for the hospital or for necessary food. Under Yemeni pediatric supervision we take care of serious and difficult cases. We give milk, food, medicine, medical assistance, pay hospital admissions, etc., until their recovery or improvement. €1 pays for 1 day's worth of milk for 1 baby. Every €10 we buy 1 can of milk for 4 days.
Teamer desde: 18/05/2024
We are more than 1,600 volunteers and although our best known face is suicide intervention, our goal is to care for people in situations of emotional crisis: loneliness, depression, anxiety, life crisis, etc. Free of charge, we offer a 24-hour telephone GUIDANCE SERVICE, 365 days a year and FOLLOW-UP MONITORING with psychologists in those cases that need it. We teach WORKSHOPS about personal development for prevention and emotional education.
Teamer desde: 18/05/2024
Os recordamos que Teaming es una plataforma de microdonaciones de 1€ al mes y que no te cobra ningún tipo de comisión. Uniendote al grupo Teaming de PIENSO SOLIDARIO estarás ayudando entre otras muchas cosas a que podamos comprar pienso para nuestros peludos y que podamos seguir salvando animales abandonados y maltratados. ¡Gracias por ayudarnos cada mes! Fundación Animal Rescue
Teamer desde: 18/05/2024
En Fundación Animal Rescue trabajamos en la protección de los animales abandonados y maltratados en España. Contamos con nuestro propio refugio de animales abandonados, ubicado a las afueras de Madrid, donde perros, gatos, equinos y otros animales rescatados tienen su futuro garantizado gracias a nuestra entidad. Nuestro equipo está formado por profesionales y más de 50 voluntarios que nos ayudan en nuestra labor.
Teamer desde: 08/11/2024
Ajudamos mais de milhares de causas sociais a tornar os seus projetos possíveis todos os dias. Desde que lançámos o Teaming, já angariámos mais de 54 milhões de euros para as causas, totalmente livres de comissões. Criámos este Grupo Teaming para ajudar a Fundação Teaming a continuar a ajudar os outros com esta plataforma. Entre outros apoios, graças aos Teamers deste Grupo,o Teaming é totalmente gratuito. O nosso sonho: sermos autossustentáveis graças a este Grupo.
Teamer desde: 08/11/2024
Kittens Shelter for Leukemic Cats. On April 9th, 2021, the 8 babies of Bombay were born, a kitten rescued 21 days earlier from the street. An angel suffering from 3 mastitis since giving birth, yet continuing to breastfeed her babies. Two months later, we find out that both the 8 babies and Bombay are positive for Leukemia, and today 'Bombay Family' begins to fulfill a dream and not abandon the weakest at the worst moment. Help with veterinary expenses, medicines, and food.
Teamer desde: 08/11/2024
La Leucemia infecciosa felina (FELV) es un retrovirus que se incorpora al material genético de la célula, lo cual lo hace difícil de tratar. El virus ataca a los leucocitos, debilita el sistema inmunológico del gato. No existe cura para la Leucemia, pero existe una vacuna preventiva que ayuda a evitar el contagio. La infección puede causar inmunosupresión, anemia y enfermedades tumorales (linfomas). Los costes de veterinarios de estos gatitos son muy altos. TODOS nuestros gatos son LEUCEMICOS.