Athens Rescued Cats ARC - ASK

Athens Rescued Cats ARC - ASK

103  Teamers
4 875 € récoltés

A voluntary initiative based in Athens, Greece, in order to limit the number of stray cats living in terrible circumstances on the streets of Athens. Our mission is to conduct TNR (Trap/Neuter/Return)-programs for street cats and to foster the cats that won't survive outside, for example due to soft character or disabilities with the hope to find a loving home in Europe for them.

Nous destinons notre collecte à :


Jo Vandendries

Athens Rescued Cats' goal is to neuter stray cats in Athens and to find a home for the cats that won't survive in the streets (blind cats, three-legged cats, cats suffering from epilepsy, renal problems, ...). We know we can only help the cats when we have TNR as our priority and this is our main goal. With so many strays around the world, it's almost impossible to rehome them all. We need you to reach this, as all volunteers are private persons with low income. Greece rescuers don't get state support. So please become a member and let us try to make a better life for the stray street cats. Thank you in the name of the Greek Strays and their rescuers.

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Actualisations du Groupe

Athina Tsigkourakou
Teaming Manager

02/11/2024 23:58 h

During October and November, more cats were neutered from 2 cat colonies. The total number was 46 cats, who were returned to their areas and are fed daily by local volunteers.
We also had 2 hospitalizations in the vet clinic. One cat with a diaphragm hernia and one cat with a damaged lower jaw.
During TNR programs we often meet injured cats that need additional vet care to recover.

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Louise Kuijt
Louise Kuijt

22/05/2022 10:33 h

Thank you for doing what you do, it must be so hard on you, not only the neuterings, but also helping the injured ones. Came across the story of NEMO, such a sad one. Hoping people are willing to donate something more then only € 1 a month.[0]=AZUTmEOiW4FsKjeCVynHZlOFadH8zJWUgNn3fNdRPpbr59-EnIMEKlNrgUJloC-pk-fu044-1LkvK40_qh00yjdKa2m-xESA3BsMod4JkCCI3uH363iYeWTFut_RVn7P69E&__tn__=-UK-R

For Paypal donations in PayPal:
Bankaccount Athens Stray Kittens BE90 7360 0295 53, KREDBEBB
IG #AthensStrayKittens

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Louise Kuijt
Louise Kuijt

06/03/2022 14:08 h

Dear People,
We really need you here. A couple of weeks ago there was a cry for help. 3 ladies with psychological issues have over 60 cats, most unneutered and sick cats. Bills not paid, the situation is terrible. ASK stepped forward, but they can't do it alone. When having facebook, you can follow all by following this link. We really need your support. Every euro is one.

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Nous avons récolté à ce jour :
4 875 €
Nous avons déjà donné :
4 367 €
Nous allons donner :
508 €
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Type de Groupe

Défense des animaux


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