We are working in Katuk, a small village in Kenya, lifting the orphaned children and others with high vulnerability from the shoulder of their worn out grand parents and giving them an opportunity to go to school. We help vulnerable Elderly Persons from their syndrome of emptiness and helping to restoring their Dignity. We support the local school to which we send the children to ensuring quality Education. We cannot do it alone, we need you all.
A Dignity.cat tornem a lescola als orfes i altres infants de famílies molt vulnerables, els separem del circuit de treball infantil. Els vestim, paguem les seves tases escolars i seguim el seu progrés daprenentatge. Volem que, a la llarga, es converteixin en membres útils de les seves comunitats que alimentin els seus talents i recursos, canviïn la percepció de leducació i, amb sort, trenquin el cercle viciós de la ignorància i la pobresa. Ajudans a donar 1 € al mes.
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Bambini e ragazzi
Terza età
Teaming Manager
22/11/2018 16:00 h
We are young and small but with you we will be big and strong.
With you we will change the situation of these children who need now than never before.
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