Asociación HADA

Asociación HADA

386  Teamers
20.116 € raccolto

We do not have a shelter, all the animals that we rescue or take from municipal kennels are in paid residences (€150 per month for each one), plus the veterinary expenses, since many of them are sick, they must be sterilized, vaccinated, etc. Join our group, our entire family of rescued people will thank you, so you will help them have a happy ending, which is their turn. We hope to see you soon in this group!!!

Progetto che sosteniamo

Asociación HADA

Stray animals rescued and taken from municipal kennels

We do not have our own shelter. We take to residences, where they live in packs, mainly those animals that have been in municipal kennels for some time and after months, even years, no one has noticed them, thus wanting to give them the opportunity to find a family where they are happy and find affection. that they haven't had. We need a lot of help, since the cost of offering veterinary care, sterilizations, etc. is high, since many of them come sick and in most cases their stay at the residence is prolonged. Don't turn your back on them, please, with just one euro you would help us a lot!!!

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Progressi del Gruppo

Mercedes Fernández
Teaming Manager

06/11/2022 00:07 h

Gracias a lo recaudado este mes podremos empezar a pagar el tratamiento que necesita esta preciosa perrita que se llama Nieve.

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Concha Álvarez Pareja - Obregón
Concha Álvarez Pareja - Obregón

11/02/2024 21:59 h

GRACIAS por la labor tan sufrida y bonita que hacéis!!

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Rosa Mendoza Jimenez
Rosa Mendoza Jimenez

03/10/2023 15:40 h

Asociación Hada, gracias a vosotros nuestro corazón sanó, gracias a nuestro pequeño, queremos aportar nuestro grano de arena, para que podáis seguir sanando otros corazones como el nuestro. Gracias por cuidar de tantas naricitas mojadas.

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Cifra raccolta

Totale raccolto:
20.116 €
Fino ad ora abbiamo donato:
19.757 €
Cifra raccolta per il progetto
359 €
Elenco dei contributi


Data di pubblicazione

Creato da
Asociación HADA

Tipo di gruppo

Difesa degli animali



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