

12  Teamers
61 € raccolto

Hemophilia is an inherited bleeding disorder in which the blood does not clot properly. ASANHEMO supports people affected by hemophilia and other congenital coagulopathies from a bio-psycho-social perspective, ensuring their social, work and family development. Our goal is to raise funds in order to continue offering essential programs and resources to facilitate the full integration into society of affected people and their environment.

Progetto che sosteniamo

Together in favor of people affected by hemophilia and other congenital coagulopathies

Asociación Andaluza de Hemofilia - Asanhemo

Join us and make a difference! Your collaboration can transform lives. With your solidarity, you help us continue improving the quality of life of the affected people and their families, through the following actions: We offer social, psychological, employment and physical therapy support services: Your funds support specialized services that help people and their families overcome the emotional challenges associated with these conditions. We support educational programs for patients and their families: With your contribution, we make educational programs possible that provide valuable information about disease management and promote autonomy. We finance awareness campaigns: Your donation helps raise awareness about hemophilia and other congenital coagulopathies in society. The more understanding there is, the more support we can provide. Thank you for being part of this positive change.

Pubblicato il

Pagina Web

Cifra raccolta

Totale raccolto:
61 €
Fino ad ora abbiamo donato:
15 €
Cifra raccolta per il progetto
46 €
Elenco dei contributi


Data di pubblicazione

Creato da

Tipo di gruppo

Aiuto ai pazienti
Persone con disabilità


Condividi sulle tue reti social

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