Apoyo a Hannah’s Rescue Hounds

Apoyo a Hannah’s Rescue Hounds

68  Teamers
621 € gesammelt

We are a small dog rescue calling out desperately for help. The owner of the rescue is not well with medical issues and has had to travel to her country and is in hospital without knowing when she can come back. We have more than 30 animals in the rescue (two volunteers) without financial or human resources. We need to take several dogs to the vet, they have to eat every day and we are covering their needs out of our own pockets please help us

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Protectora Hannah's Rescue Hounds

Joseph Patrick O´Regan (encargado de la protectora Hannah's Rescue Hounds

Hannah's Rescue Hounds es una protectora de perros que se ha visto sin ayuda ninguna ya que la propietaria tuvo que regresar a su país para recibir tratamientos medicos y no esta en condiciones para gestionar la protectora. Dos voluntarios se han visto a cargo de la protectora y han creado este grupo para intentar recibir alguna ayuda para poder cuidar a los perros de la protectora y pagar gastos veterinarios, comida, etc.

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Marta Gil De Pablo

16/10/2023 09:13 h

Enhorabuena por vuestra gran labor, es admirable. Mucho ánimo y ojalá que muchos perretes encuentren pronto un hogar

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621 €
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