

8  Teamers
536 € raccolto

Asociación sin ánimo de lucro que se dedica a informar sobre la importancia de la donación de sangre y médula ósea. TODO lo que se recaude se empleará en realizar flyers y trípticos informativos, lonas, carteles, banderolas., pegatinas.... cualquier material que pueda servir para difundir el mensaje DONA SANGRE, DONA MEDULA, SALVA VIDAS Su nombre es Asociación de Apoyo a Familiares y Enfermos de Leucemia.

Progetto che sosteniamo

ApoLeu Association to Support Families and Leukemia Patients

Asociación ApoLeu

ApoLeu is an association whose purposes are: • Support family members and people who have leukemia. • Increase the number of bone marrow donors. • Disseminate how the bone marrow and umbilical cord donation process is carried out. To do this, carry out the following activities. • Visit hospitalized patients and talk to them and their families to encourage them in their process. • Give informative talks about bone marrow and umbilical cord donation. • Promote and promote bone marrow donation with different performances and/or events. You can follow us at: https://www.facebook.com/apo.leu.5/ And our website is: https://asociacionapoleu.wixsite.com/asociacionapoleu

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Cifra raccolta

Totale raccolto:
536 €
Fino ad ora abbiamo donato:
496 €
Cifra raccolta per il progetto
40 €
Elenco dei contributi


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