APAC Caballos es un centro de rescate de equinos y animales en La Xara, Denia. Fundada para defender y proteger caballos y ofrecerles una segunda oportunidad y la posibilidad de ser adoptados. Somos una organización sin apollo estatal y llevado el 100% por voluntariado. Tu apollo hace posible los cuidados y necesidades diarios para poder preparar los caballos para su nueva casa de adopción o un hogar tranquilo a los que son demasiados mayores o enfermos. Gracias!!
Help pay for food and vet care
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Meet Soleil one of our permanent residents. She is a 25-year-old mare who suffers from permanent back problems and is recovering from a fractured hip. Despite of her mobility problems, she is a very loving happy horse and one of many of our herd that will stay with us Apac for the rest of their lives. These older, injured horses need your help more than ever as they need special foods, daily medication and more attention from our vet. This is why your help is so important. It enables us to give these horses the dignified and comfortable retirement they deserve.
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APAC Caballos works so hard to help so many horses, please support our Rescue Horses on FaceBook at APAC Caballos, follow us on Twitter at APAC Caballos@juleswjones or see our Webpage for more information www.apac-cv.es
You can also subscribe to us on our YouTube Channel - Apac Protectora de Caballos to see more of our Videos.
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Defensa de los animales