Teaming Manager dal: 26/10/2018
We are a group of dedicated animal rescuers who are raising vital funds for Saving Macedonian Strays (UK RC 1170041) to purchase land to develop a purpose-built animal shelter with on-site veterinary facilities in North Macedonia. The team is currently caring for 100+ stray dogs and cats at a temporary shelter that is not fit for purpose or connected to any utilities. Please help us to realise our dream of creating a centre of excellence in a country where animal abuse is prolific.
Teamer da: 19/10/2018
Onderzoek naar Verdrag van Lissabon omtrent Spaanse Galgo. Wanneer de Stichting Dutch Galgo Lobby kan aantonen dat artikel 13 van het Verdrag van Lissabon onterecht wordt aangewend, dan kunnen zij binnen Europese wetgeving, Spanje aanspreken op de misstanden. Hiervoor is echter een uitgebreid juridisch onderzoek voor nodig. Om dit onderzoek te kunnen realiseren hebben zij momenteel 3.000 euro nodig. Dus elke euro is meegenomen om dit doel te bereiken.
Teamer da: 01/12/2018
Please meet Blue Blue was rescued from an empty property . He was anxious, had liver problems contracted distemper and was very ill for a while . This is him fully recovered and happy This is what the retreat was established for - to rescue abandoned ,abused dogs and to find them new loving homes where possible . If the dog for whatever reason cant be re homed then their home is with us for the rest of their lives.
Teamer da: 29/08/2019
Caballos en Peligro España es una fundación sin ánimo de lucro y ofrece refugio a caballos en España que lo necesitan. Piense en los caballos que han sido maltratados, tirados en establos abandonados, liberados en pueblos oa lo largo de la carretera, muertos de hambre y dados por muertos porque el dueño ya no podía pagar su mantenimiento.