Anneke Ketting


Teaming Manager di 1 Gruppi

Teamer in 10 Gruppi

Dona ogni mese: 9 € a 9 Gruppi

Da 21-10-2017 ha contribuito 674 €

Gruppi che amministra


1.867 € Totale raccolto

16 Teamer

Teaming Manager dal:   22/08/2018

Support Anja Biezeman's Stray Animals

Anja Biezeman is a lovely Dutch woman, who lived in Pilion, Greece, taking care of stray animals. Unfortunately her health is getting worse and she was forced to go back to Holland, leaving some dogs behind, for which she is still paying and still looking for a foster. When all animals are placed and no longer financial responsibility of Anja anymore, this group will be closed.

Gruppi ai quali partecipo


4.872 € Totale raccolto

66 Teamer

Teamer da:  21/10/2017

Yes We Can! Spays for Hope!

La sterilizzazione sono le uniche vere soluzioni per umanamente ridurre la sofferenza dei cani randagi. Col nostro Team aiutiamo soprattutto le campagna di sterilizzazione p.e. in Romania, Moldavia, Egitto, Tacchino. Ogni sterilizzazione conta! Vi prego di unirvi a noi ed a aiutarci a trovare più volontari e supporto! Si tratta solo di un euro al mese, ma ha molta importanza! INSIEME possiamo fare la differenza. Grazie!!!

1.293 € Totale raccolto

24 Teamer

Teamer da:  18/06/2018

Remi Moldova

Wij zorgen voor de zwerfhonden in het armste land van Europa, Moldavië! Met elkaar zamelen we geld in voor sterilisaties, want alleen voor jezelf zorgen is al moeilijk genoeg als je een zwerfhond bent...!

2.493 € Totale raccolto

36 Teamer

Teamer da:  23/05/2019

Stichting Hulp aan dieren in nood

Wij helpen minima bij hoge incidentele kosten voor hun huisdieren (operaties, sterilisaties/castraties, euthanasie/crematie of noodzakelijk bezoek aan dierenarts). Dat doen we al heel wat jaren en de nood wordt steeds groter. Iedere euro helpt dus vandaar dit initiatief. Helpt u ons helpen?

1.050 € Totale raccolto

14 Teamer

Teamer da:  07/06/2019

Stichting WereldAsielen

WereldAsielen maakt zich sinds 2004 sterk door incidentele of structurele steun te bieden aan ruim 40 projecten over de hele wereld. WereldAsielen ondersteunt met het financieren van sterilisaties en castraties, het doen van voerdonaties en het voldoen van dierenartsnota's.

1.846 € Totale raccolto

36 Teamer

Teamer da:  10/05/2020

Stichting Save a stray - Stray animal funding

Hi, we are Bianca, Dayony and Ingrid and Stichting Save a Stray is our charity which helps organizations and rescuers who are working with/for stray animals abroad. With the collected funds we support any organization or personal rescuer who needs help. We support randomly, just who needs it the most. We already supported projects in Spain, Greece, Romania, Belgium, Bosnia, Sri Lanka and Macedonia and many other countries. With your help we can do more! Will you be our next Teamer?

2.479 € Totale raccolto

71 Teamer

Teamer da:  02/06/2021

Cats of Curacao

To this day, I care for 192 cats on a daily basis, on the Island of Curacao. They are cared for by providing food and water, medical care, Spay and Neuter Programs (TNR). I also take care of community cats, by trapping them and make sure they are spayed and neutered. Furthermore I educate the islanders on how to take care of their feline friends. Donations will be collected by Stichting Save a Stray, and they tranfer the money to Cats of Curacao.

704 € Totale raccolto

38 Teamer

Teamer da:  12/01/2022

S.O.S Paws Bulgaria

Tezamen voor Dieren wil in Europa kleine dierenprojecten ondersteunen die weinig of geen donateurs hebben. Op deze manier krijgen deze stichtingen een vast maandelijks inkomen wat hen toelaat om hun kosten i.v.m. voer, medische zorg, en dergelijke beter te dekken. Voor S.O.S Paws Bulgaria worden de gedoneerde euro's gestort op Tsvetelina's persoonlijke rekening omdat ze deze ook gebruikt als de hoofdrekening voor S.O.S Paws Bulgaria.

1.725 € Totale raccolto

50 Teamer

Teamer da:  20/01/2022

Mr. Darcy & Djimba helpen dieren in nood

Stichting Mr. Darcy en Stichting Djimba slaan de handen ineen. Mr. Darcy helpt wereldwijd dieren door o.a. sterilisatieprojecten te sponsoren, maar biedt ook een thuis aan oude honden. Djimba is sinds 2005 een t(e)huis voor oude, zieke, gehandicapte en getraumatiseerde honden. Djimba zamelt ook hulpgoederen in voor andere opvangcentra. Jeannette Cadee (Mr. Darcy) en Betty Heideman (Djimba) werken al sinds 2000 samen.

2.440 € Totale raccolto

74 Teamer

Teamer da:  04/08/2022

Usko's Nest Dog Shelter - Dalida - Bosnia

Dalida is a lawyer from Sarajevo who has been involved in protection of animals for more than 15 years and she is one of the rescuers and activists with most experience in Bosnia. Dalida and her mom take care of 140 saved dogs and cats in their shelter Usko's Nest Dog. They really need help with the costs for food, vetbills, medication and supplements, deworming and defleaing, and to hire a worker to help out Dalida's mum, who is working so hard, but can't keep up on her own. Help is needed!

24.442 € Totale raccolto

477 Teamer

Teamer da:  17/11/2023

Galgo Project

We, the Galgo Project Foundation, support the Huellas Puertollano shelter. This is a private shelter in Spain with one mission, to find new homes for dogs and cats that have been left to fend for themselves.