It was founded in 2011 to protect animals and promote awareness campaigns in the Calabrian area by collaborating with institutions. First active with the recovery of animals from the streets, then with the collaboration with the local kennels, today it looks after 12 elderly and sick dogs that no one has ever adopted in these 13 years of activity. It supports volunteers and other associations in the area, covering sterilization and food collection costs
The stray animal situation in the South is dramatic. No one is yet able to understand the serious health emergency affecting dogs and cats, the tragic situation in crowded and poorly managed kennels, the danger on the streets and the continuous, unabated proliferation of owner's dogs and cats. They have been dreaming of creating something strong for over a decade now! Union between associations and volunteers to fight together against institutional decay and the failure to apply the laws. Utopia? Probably yes, but we absolutely need to start saying STOP STRAYS!!
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Grazie al vostro sostegno nel 2019 abbiamo raccolto 299 euro, son più del doppio rispetto allo scorso anno, ma il nostro sogno di avere abbastanza sostenitori per garantire almeno il pagamento degli stalli è ancora lontano dal venir realizzato, ma noi continuiamo a crederci. Grazie a chi ci sostiene e a chi si unirà a noi quest'anno <3
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Defense of Animals