Animalistes Vall d'Albaida

Valencia, Espanha

Teaming Manager de 1 Grupos

Contribui mensalmente: 1 € para 1 Grupos/projetos sociais

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23 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  06/03/2025

Getting Lola out of death row (Animalistes Vall d'Albaida - AVA)

Lola, a 5-year-old mixed breed of mastiff and Belgian Malinois, was at risk of euthanasia due to alleged hip pain and her reactive nature. At AVA, we managed to stop it because we believe she deserves a second chance. She needs veterinary care, rehabilitation, and dog training. With your help, we will cover her medical expenses and her transfer to a suitable shelter. Let's not let her story end before it even begins.