A Coruña, Spain
Teamer in 5 Groups
Contributes every month: €5 to 5 Groups
Since 06-03-2024 has contributed €40
Teamer since: 06/03/2024
We are a non-profit association of the Teo council. Our main goal is to help the animals and give them a second chance to have a better life. We are only 3 girls so with this small donations you can help us give them what they deserve (vaccinations, food and a roof where they can protect themselves while they are not adopted). Thank you very much in advance for helping, however small it may seem to us it is a great help. A hairy hug from our little ones.
Teamer since: 06/03/2024
En junio del 2013, preocupados por el creciente numero de animales abandonados y maltratados de nuestra zona, un pequeño grupo de personas decidimos crear una asociacion sin animo de lucro para ayudar a estos animales desvalidos. Tenemos un pequeño refugio de 8 caniles, que siempre esta lleno, y funcionamos principalmente con casas de acogida. Pedimos vuestra ayuda para hacer frente a los gastos veterinarios y de alimentacion de nuestros perrines y gatitos.
Teamer since: 06/03/2024
Hello! With this group we want to raise funds to help associations, or particular person who decide to adopt and save the dogs that are in the kennel but can not afford the price of the release and transport to their new home. Unfortunately the Ribeira kennel is always full and we need your help.
Teamer since: 06/03/2024
We help more than thousands of social causes to make their projects possible every day. Since we launched Teaming, we have raised more than 50 Million of Euros for them, totally free of commissions. We have created this Teaming Group to help Teaming Foundation to keep helping others with this platform. Among other supports, thanks to the Teamers of this Group, Teaming is totally free. Our dream: to be self-sustaining because of this Group. Would you like to join us?
Teamer since: 15/03/2024
Asociación de Protección Animal en Santiago de Compostela. Castramos e controlamos colonias de gatos e rescatamos cans e gatos da rúa ou de diferentes canceiras, buscándolles os mellores fogares posíbeis. Funcionamos con casas de acollida, xa que non temos refuxio propio nen subvencións de ningún tipo. Colaboramos en diferentes plataformas de defensa animal, como "Galicia mellor sen tourada" ou "Plataforma pola defensa da fauna salvaxe". Precisamos a túa axuda para poder continuar