Madrid, Espanya
Teamer de 3 Grups
Des del 24-01-2018 ha aportat 216 €
Teamer des de: 24/01/2018
Non profit NGO concerned with saving animals and putting abusers in the hands of justice. This group also aims at changing the law in Spain, in defending animal rights and looking after their welfare. We also actively care, provide and nurse animals in need of veterinary attention to give them an opportunity in finding a caring home.
Teamer des de: 24/01/2018
El propósito de este grupo es cubrir la falta de medios para recurrir a la justicia y defender los derechos de cualquier animal. No se puede estar más desamparado que un animal abandonado o maltratado. Nuestra visión es poder ayudar a las personas que defienden a los animales y velar por los intereses y necesidades de los animales. Nuestra misión es aprovechar los recursos existentes/disponibles y suplir donde y como sea posible la falta de recursos.
Teamer des de: 20/04/2018
Animal welfare shelters by acting independently cannot take advantage of the benefits brought about by cost effectiveness. e.g. instead of buying 100kgs. of kibble buying 100,000kgs. The objective is to reach 1 million TEAMERS to consolidate all efforts in a GENERAL ASSISTANCE CENTRE. (1M TEAMERSx12months = 12M Euros/annum, add to that interest and we could standardize all the procedures to help animals in need. Besides, we would become a pressure force to be reckoned with)