Almeria Perrera Dogs

Almeria Perrera Dogs

3  Teamers
823 € raccolto

This group is organised by volunteers who seek to save the lives of dogs in urgent need - whether ill, terrified, or on death row in Almeria Perrera. The Pererra is run by local authorities, and when it is full the animals are sacrificed. We try to find rescue spaces and adoptions for all the dogs and raise money to take dogs out who very sadly and through no fault of their own find themselves in urgent need at the Perrera in Almeria.

Progetto che sosteniamo

Almeria Perrera Dogs

Suzannah Stacey

The project supported by the Almeria Pererra Dogs Teaming Group aims to release dogs on death row who would otherwise be sacrificed. The volunteers co-ordinating this effort are Lynn Paulrodos, Lyn Fryer, Silvia Gimenez Hernandez and Suzannah Stacey. The cost of release is 100e for dogs and bitches under 10kgs, 120e for dogs over 10kgs, 50e for pups under 6 months plus the cost of transport to foster or residence in Spain. Residence costs are 3e per day per dog.

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Suzannah Stacey
Suzannah Stacey
Teaming Manager

01/11/2015 11:24 h

As every member of the SOS Almeria Pererra Dogs Needing Homes facebook page knows, there have been threats of sacrifice twice lately, with the Pererra being full and more dogs arriving every day. So much work has been dedicated to save these dogs (and cats) and to prevent any sacrifices going ahead; some have been fostered, some adopted and some into residency. Please share the teaming page whenever you have the opportunity, as this will help with the ongoing costs of releasing those on death row, and making sure they have a future and their chance of a forever sofa at last. Thank you so much for joining. x

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Cifra raccolta

Totale raccolto:
823 €
Fino ad ora abbiamo donato:
363 €
Cifra raccolta per il progetto
460 €
Elenco dei contributi


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