Alba Vb

Zaragoza, Spagna

Teaming Manager di 1 Gruppi

Teamer in 3 Gruppi

Dona ogni mese: 4 € a 4 Gruppi

Da 23-05-2024 ha contribuito 13 €

Gruppi che amministra


66 € Totale raccolto

19 Teamer

Teaming Manager dal:   23/05/2024


Hi! We are helping a cats of the street. Could you help us?

Gruppi ai quali partecipo


14.564 € Totale raccolto

597 Teamer

Teamer da:  02/06/2024

Santuario para gat@s abandonados

Después de dos décadas alimentando,esterilizando y rescatando cientos de gat@s que viven en la calle, desde nuestra asociación que a día de hoy alimenta a diario mas de 300 barriguitas hambrientas (unos 700 kilos de pienso al mes) queremos conseguir un lugar para que puedan vivir protegidos y en paz sin ser atacados, atropellados o envenenados. NO PODEMOS VER COMO ESTOS ANGELES VIENEN AL MUNDO A SUFRIR Y MORIR TAN CRUELMENTE, NOS AYUDAIS A CONSEGUIRLO? LO NECESITAN DE VERDAD,UN LUGAR EN EL MUNDO

3.026 € Totale raccolto

36 Teamer

Teamer da:  02/06/2024

proyecto Gato Teruel

WHAT IS CAT PROJECT? WHAT IS OUR WORK ?? Our work consists of controlling the feline Colonies of the city by using the method C.E.S (Captura-Sterilizaciób-Suelta). Cats are vaccinated, wormed and marked by a mark on one of their ears, indicating that the animal is controlled and registered. We feed and provide shelter to the colonies and if necessary receive Veterinary assistance.

507 € Totale raccolto

93 Teamer

Teamer da:  02/06/2024

La Casita Tricolor

"We are about 50 cats who are desperately looking for help. The person who used to feed us, for health reasons, is no longer able to do so. We are alone, and we need your help to be able to eat, cover veterinary expenses, etc.". At the moment, there are several of us who are trying to help this family of kittens. Even so, the resources we have are insufficient to cover all the expenses. Give us a hand! @lacasitatricolor