ANCA HELPS ANIMALS-ANCA HILFT TIEREN signifie dévotion,signifie grand amour pour les animaux,signifie compréhension pour les âmes pures.De Suisse,Austria,Germany amis aidez moi sauver des animaux abandonnés,depuis près de 10 ans.Pour soutenir tous ces animaux et les garder en bonne santé et heureux,je me bats tous les jours et j'en ressort presque toujours victorieux.Je sais avec certitude qu'ensemble nous pouvons sauver la vie des animaux, ensemble nous pouvons apporter du bonheur dans leur vie
Dear Team, Dear people and dear animal lovers, I am Anca Toma from Romania and all my life I have tried and i fight to change for better lives or bring relief to the lives of homeless animals in Romania... Since 2016, I am managing my NGO named ANCA HELPS ANIMALS -ANCA HILFT TIEREN, working each day for animals, in a country for which animals have no rights, abandoned animals have no chances to survive... It is a very difficult mission, there are so many situations in which I hardly find solutions for the problems that arise day after day, every day.... Right now money is desperately needed for the purchase of food for adult dogs and puppies, for horses, for cats, for the payment of electricity bills, for water bills for watering the animals, for the payment of vaccination bills for dogs and cats and for medical care for the three horses..... So these funds will bring a immense joy and wonderful support.
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Day by day, day by day....I rescue, I love, I care, I share with you my experiences with my animals ♡ I hope for a better life for these animals who only have us ♡ Please help us , please be close to us! Together we save lives ❤️
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Défense des animaux