Agus Pons

Barcelona, Espanya

Teaming Manager de 1 Grups

Teamer de 3 Grups

Des del 08-02-2016 ha aportat 92 €

Grups que lidera


5.762 € Recaptats

36 Teamers

Teaming Manager des de:  17/02/2016

Construcción del Complejo Escolar EFEDI en Yaoundé (Camerún)

This school is their future! And this is your chance to make a difference! Thank you for your help - they would do the same for you.

Grups on participa


3.504 € Recaptats

29 Teamers

Teamer des de:  17/02/2016


SOS UKRAINE aims to break the cycle of poverty that affects many Ukrainian children in orphanages, hospitals and poor families, now with an even worse situation due to the war Through good training and the help of families, we ensure that these children have opportunities to improve their future Since the war began, we have helped refugee mothers with their children in Spain and we have participated in various humanitarian emergency projects in Ukraine.

1.288 € Recaptats

8 Teamers

Teamer des de:  11/09/2016


Nos lanzamos a por el segundo proyecto en menos de un año. Vamos a implicarnos todos en el nacimiento del primer colegio camerunés creado por unos padres que esperan algo más del colegio que una simple instrucción. Estos padres esperan que sus hijos incorporen a sus vidas firmes valores humanos y esperan también que el colegio reafirme sus creencias cristianas. Son muy conscientes que ellos son los protagonistas. Esto va en serio. Estos padres saben lo que hacen; les vamos a ayudar.

314 € Recaptats

2 Teamers

Teamer des de:  30/01/2019

Schooling young people from the slum of Eastland in Nairobi.

Moses knows very well the slums of Eastland Nairobi, he has spent years struggling to school girls and boys, who otherwise would be doomed to a life of misery and a very uncertain future, having qualities to study the secondary school or a trade. With schooling, one meal a day is guaranteed at the same time, but many days would be hunger. GIRAFRA Girona for Africa Foundation) has joined this beautiful initiative. With 250 € the schooling of the entire course is paid.