AFRA Women

AFRA Women

6  Teamers

From this group you can collaborate with the Asociación Feministas Radicales de Andalucía by paying a membership fee or a donation. This non-profit association will allocate these contributions to the eradication of sexist violence, the preservation, promotion, defence and liberties of women and children and the development of the feminist agenda. We claim the roots of feminism: to achieve the recognition of equal dignity and rights between women and men.

Progetto che sosteniamo

Eradication of sex-based violence, preservation and defence of women's rights and freedoms

AFRA Mujeres Non Profit Asociation

Through membership fees or donations we will allocate all resources to the eradication of gender-based violence, the preservation, promotion, defence and liberties of women and children and the development of the feminist agenda. We organise book clubs, feminist evenings, rallies, writing and other workshops, podcasts and video podcasts with well-known and local guests. In the area of gender-based violence, we accompany women. We contribute material to our feminist library which is available to members and friends. We give book presentations, lectures, talks and film forums. We emphasise co-education. Always from the point of view of activism and an open and feminist space. Our project

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AFRA Mujeres
AFRA Mujeres
Teaming Manager

11/10/2024 16:05 h

Somos un grupo de mujeres en lucha de distintos orígenes y con distintos recorridos que se unen en un proyecto común desde Andalucía. AFRA Mujeres se encuentra en Jerez de la Frontera, pero nuestro feminismo es de amplio contexto, desde lo local, a lo internacional. Si tú también piensas que los derechos humanos de mujeres y niñas deben ser defendidos y salvaguardados, este es tu sitio. Únete a nosotras y ayúdanos.

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Totale raccolto:
4 €
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Data di pubblicazione

Creato da
Asociación Mujeres Feministas Radicales de Andalucía

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