Welcome to my Teaming Group. My name is Cristina Icleanu, I’m a Romanian rescuer involved in animal welfare since several years. You can find out more about my work through my FB Page and website www.adorra.org Today the emergency is that I must move from the land that I rent to shelter my rescues. I’ve bought a new land located north of Bucharest and I must start to build my future Rescue Center and rehabilitation of traumatised dogs. For 1€ per month be part of a unique project, my Sanctuary
My new sanctuary will be a modern center for the Rehabilitation and re integration for the most traumatised dogs, forever home for the unadoptable dogs, a foster transit for the adopted dogs abroad, rescue Center for the death row dogs A Huge fun playground offering agility and training classes -Educational school programs and Pet contests -Pet hotel for owners going on holidays -veterinarian clinic equipped to perform high quality surgery and Spay/Neuter. Yours Cristina Icleanu
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Proteção animal
12/09/2018 23:03 h
hello everybody, this is a real good idea and I really hope you can réalise it Cristina!!
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