Adoption time in AVSALLAR/Turkey

Adoption time in AVSALLAR/Turkey

48  Teamers
1 522 € récoltés

I want to help the cats in Avsallar, so I created this group for us that wants to help feed/neuter/rescue/look after the cats. The group does an amazing job, with the rest of the team, the vet, and the volunteers You can see the work they do on: "Adoption time in Avsallar/TURKEY", FACEBOOK. I can provide proof of transfers.

Nous destinons notre collecte à :

Cats in Avsallar, Gus OMalley and the stray cats

Miss Meher Toorkey, Gus O'Malley, stray cats, Manuela

We are lucky we are not a stray cat. But Gus OMalley strives to take as many as possible, and to rehome as many as possible. Its not an easy task, but 1 euro by 1 euro we make the lives of the animals better, to feed them, give medical care and to find a forever home for them. And not just cats, dogs too. The TNR to help the animals on the streets so they no longer have litter after litter after litter of kittens. But it all cost money. Give 1 euro, and help the strays.

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Actualisations du Groupe

June Høstan
June Høstan
Teaming Manager

04/04/2024 09:38 h

We had problems with the bank account. The Teaming managers are really strict with who can withdraw the money, and it has been difficult since I am in Spain, Johanna in Germany, Manuela in Turkey, and Meher is is UK!!!
It now looks like I have solved it and we can donat the money where it is needed.
I hope the money will be sent within a week, but I am keeping my eyes on it. Johanna will give me feedback when she receives it so we know it arrives where it is needed.

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June Høstan
June Høstan
Teaming Manager

20/09/2024 22:02 h

I want to thank everyone that is involved with the cats in Avsallar and Gus O`Malley, and the Trap Neuter Release program, and the work done for the strays.
We are giving 192 euro this month, and I cannot thank you enough for helping the animals in need.

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June Høstan
June Høstan
Teaming Manager

28/07/2022 15:22 h

At the moment we are raising 32 euro every month. Its fantastic!! Manuela is very happy to see so many helping out in so many ways.

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Nous avons récolté à ce jour :
1 522 €
Nous avons déjà donné :
1 388 €
Nous allons donner :
134 €
Voir détail des collectes


Date de publication

Type de Groupe

Défense des animaux


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