Trapped by War: Help Families in Lebanon

Trapped by War: Help Families in Lebanon

53  Teamers
3 251 € récoltés

At 19, Janira met Salah, a Syrian boy who, by 13, was selling flowers on the streets of Lebanon to survive. Lacking access to education, Janira decided to create a school for him. She called it 26 Letters. Today, our school supports 450 families with education and humanitarian assistance. Now, with the war reaching Lebanon, their situation has become more dire. Many families are trapped, unable to afford food or shelter, and desperately need help to secure a safer future for their children.

Nous destinons notre collecte à :

Survival in Lebanon

450 familias migrantes, refugiadas y locales en el Líbano

They say numbers numb the heart. But let’s talk about real people—the students we love. In 2017, young Hamoude escaped the horrors of ISIS in Syria. That same year, Aboude and his mother crossed the border by foot, desperate for safety. At 26 Letters, they found a haven. But soon, Lebanon’s revolution and COVID struck. Nine-year-old Dalal was denied hospital care because of her nationality. Aissa, forced to Syria to study, was kidnapped by an armed group at sixteen. He hasn’t studied since. In 2020, Omar’s window shattered in the Beirut blast that killed 218 people. By 2022, Lebanon’s collapse forced Mahmoud’s family into hours-long fuel lines. Nour’s mother hunted for blankets to survive the winter, and Zeinab joined her mother begging on the streets. Now in 2024, bombs hit Beirut. Our school has shifted to meet every need, and now, as war reaches us, we ask our community to help them survive once more.

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Actualisations du Groupe

Janira Taibo Palomares
Janira Taibo Palomares
Teaming Manager

07/10/2024 08:59 h

26 Letters Update: Crisis in Lebanon

As Israel intensifies bombings over Beirut, we have been forced to close our school, which lies directly in the threat zone. Our mission has now shifted to emergency support for our families. With your help, we have managed to help some escape to Syria, but they return to a country devastated by years of war, without homes or job prospects, and face the risk of starvation. Those who remain in Beirut are struggling with soaring costs, unable to afford rent or basic necessities.

By supporting 26 Letters, you help us evacuate families from Lebanon and provide vital aid for those who remain. Your donations ensure food, shelter, and medical care for families left with few options for survival.


Actualización de 26 Letters: Crisis en el Líbano

A medida que Israel intensifica los bombardeos sobre Beirut, nos hemos visto obligados a cerrar nuestra escuela, que se encuentra directamente en la zona de amenaza. Nuestra misión ahora es ofrecer ayuda de emergencia a nuestras familias. Con vuestra ayuda, hemos logrado ayudar a algunos a escapar a Siria, pero regresan a un país devastado por años de guerra, sin hogares ni perspectivas de trabajo y ahora se arriesgan a morir de hambre. Aquellos que permanecen en Beirut luchan contra los precios que no dejan de subir, sin poder pagar el alquiler o las necesidades básicas.

Al apoyar a 26 Letters, nos ayudáis a evacuar a las familias del Líbano y a brindar ayuda vital para aquellas que permanecen en el país. Vuestras donaciones garantizan alimentos, refugio y atención médica para las familias que se quedan y que tienen pocas opciones de supervivencia.

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Maria Zoraida El-Ammari
Maria Zoraida El-Ammari

10/02/2021 20:15 h

Enhorabuena por vuestra labor. Saludos desde los Paises Bajos.

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Daniel Cruz
Daniel Cruz

01/01/2021 09:51 h

Brutal, la labor que estáis haciendo Janira y Tamar! Y pequeña aportación y me encantaría saber cómo puedo colaborar más con ustedes.

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Nous avons récolté à ce jour :
3 251 €
Nous avons déjà donné :
3 146 €
Nous allons donner :
105 €
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Date de publication

Créé par
26 Letters

Type de Groupe

Humanitarian aid



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