Donate 1 euro a month for the dogs and cats of Boavista, Cape Verde

Donate 1 euro a month for the dogs and cats of Boavista, Cape Verde

34  Teamers
1.091 € recaudados

Nerina Association is based on the island of Boa Vista. As of January 2018, our shelter and veterinary clinic, lovingly houses an average of 60 dogs and 80 cats, gives veterinary care to animals on the island, contributes to feline and canine population control through free sterilizations. We also assist those who want to export/relocate the island's loving animals.

Destinamos la recaudación a:

Food for cats and dogs of Boa Vista, CV

Associação Nerina Boavista, CV

Raccolta di fondi per il cibo dei cani e gatti randagi di Boavista. LAssociazione Nerina, in collaborazione con un gattaro, ha creato un rifugio anche a nord dellisola per ospitare i gatti di Boavista. In totale abbiamo al momento 85 mici.

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
1.091 €
Ya hemos donado:
494 €
Vamos a donar:
597 €
Ver detalle de recaudaciones


Fecha de publicación

Tipo de Grupo

Defensa de los animales


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