1€ per month per supporter. Feed the animals

1€ per month per supporter. Feed the animals

2  Teamers
205 € raccolto

From pounds where they are being put to sleep or from the street with their offspring or left alone after their human dies or dreadfully used for bait in fighting, just some descriptions of the animals living here. Please support this wonderful lady, Mary Locke Burgess has the biggest heart I know and takes in so many rescue dogs and horses, rarely turning any away. She funds all their veterinary care, out of her own pocket and receives little support so far. Certainly a very worthy cause!

Ultimo commento

Janet Dickinson
Janet Dickinson

22/11/2015 21:00 h

Hi Mary, haven't met you yet, but we will be up to meet you this week. Happy to become one of your teamers.

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Totale raccolto:
205 €
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Difesa degli animali


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